At some point in your life, you have been a leader. Maybe you haven’t been the CEO of a major corporation or a general in an army, but you have led.
Do you remember leading the class line to the lunchroom back in kindergarten? Did you help pick players for the kickball team at recess? Have you ever led a study group in college or high school?
Those examples may seem small and minuscule, but in some ways, you were leading. Examples such as these are just some of the ways that you were learning to be an effective leader while still in your youth.
As we age and begin to take on more responsibilities in our careers and personal life, leadership becomes even more prominent in our daily routines.
There are times that we all need to brush up on our leadership skills. Keep reading for some insight into what you can do in order to be a top-notch leader in all areas of your life.
Table of Contents
Lead By Example
Barking orders at your co-workers without assisting them in their workload probably won’t get you very far. Sure, they will get the job done, but all morale will be lost in the shuffle. Leading by example is highly effective, and you are likely to get even more productivity out of your crew.
If new policies and procedures are being implemented in your workplace, you should take the time to learn them first! Studying and learning them before your team does can help tremendously. Being “on-board” with a new company policy can shine a positive light on the changes. We all know that some people have problems with change, and you can make it a positive experience when you lead by example.
Be Able to Make Hard Decisions
Historically, most renowned leaders have been able to make very hard decisions. Effective decision-making is vital in the success of your company or even your personal life. Making the right or wrong decision can sometimes make or break an entire company.
There is no room for hesitation in an effective leader, whether it be in your company or at home. If you are in the market for an AR Upper Receiver, you need to be fully educated on the product and be able to make an informed decision on your choice. Click here if you are looking to purchase one.
In terms of decision-making, there is room for feedback from your co-workers. While this is the case, ultimately the final decision is yours.
Put Your Team First
Take the time to get to know your team. It’s not usually kosher to be “buddy-buddy” with them, but it is important to know them to some degree. Empathize with them when they are having a crisis. Be understanding when they have a tragedy in their family.
You can create better management strategies if you take the time to know your people. Understanding their personalities, goals, and dreams can help you in your daily management of them. Not only will you receive a higher level of productivity from them, but you will also receive a level of thanks that you didn’t have before. They will be happy that you took the time to understand and know them. This type of leader/worker bond can be highly beneficial.
Delegate-Or Not!
If you are to be an effective leader, there will be times that delegation is essential. Your boss may give you a giant list of things that need to be completed today. Sometimes, it will not be possible or even practical for you to do them all. Some bosses may specifically want you to delegate some of the responsibilities to your co-workers. Essentially, your workers are there to help you get the job done.
There are other times when you should do the job yourself. Sometimes, you may be the only one qualified to complete the job. Other times, you need to “lead by example.” It isn’t fair, nor will it create a good work environment to put the workload on everyone but yourself.
Work On Your Communication Skills
Communication skills are an absolute must!
Being an active listener is vital if you want to be an effective leader. Sure, you listen. But do you LISTEN?
Be sure that when you are speaking with your co-workers, you give them your full attention. From a work standpoint, productivity levels can soar when your employees feel like they are being listened to. If there is an issue that must be dealt with, be sure to speak with your co-workers promptly in order to get to the bottom of the situation. Always talk to them in person about anything that is important to the daily running of the business. Do not rely on email or text messages to address vital parts of the workplace.
When giving feedback to your co-workers, be sure to thoroughly explain yourself and be very specific. There will be times that you will need to give positive and negative feedback. Negative feedback is never fun to give, but it can turn into a positive experience for both parties. If given correctly, your co-worker can grow and learn from the experience. Negative feedback is usually seen as “bad, embarrassing, or as a failure,” but it doesn’t have to be that way at all. Be sure to explain yourself, give good instructions on how your co-worker can fix the problem, and be sure to follow up for progress after. It is very possible to turn a negative feedback session into a highly effective and positive experience.
There are times that your co-workers will need to speak with you on a more personal level. It’s just as important that you listen to them fully at these times too. They may be having a bad day or be in a rough situation in their home lives. Whatever the case may be, it is important that your crew can count on you to actively listen to them. They may not have anyone else to talk to, and your “listening ear” might just be all they need to get through the day.
As you can see, there are many elements to effective communication. It is extremely vital that you implement good communication practices in your daily work schedule. You will see a higher level of productivity and a morale boost in your co-workers.