OK, by now most of you probably know about LinkedIn and what it does and how it works. Nevertheless, we will brush on that topic, but today we will primarily discuss the automation tools for it, and what are their benefits and/or drawbacks.
So, LinkedIn is a social network that helps you build your business. It will help you expand your network, find workers, customers and a lot more in between that. It can also help individuals find a job that they wanted for a long time. The best part about it is that it’s simple to use, pretty straight forward but it comes with a huge disadvantage – the daily tasks you have to go through to achieve all that is boring, repetitious and frankly, tedious.
Thanks to the ability of automation we can source those tedious and repetitious tasks to a piece of software and put our mind and time to better use. Enter the LinkedIn automation tools. Now, these tools can come from a third party or can come from a list LinkedIn approves. You have to be careful which one you use because there are a lot of these and not all of them are beneficial and good. The list of good automation tools is big, but according to reviewers, the number one spot goes to Dripify.
Now let’s get to automation and let’s define what it is since we will be going to draw pros and cons out of it! Automation is defined as the creation and application of technology to deliver goods or services without human implication. It will increase efficiency, productivity, reliability and speed up all the general processes that would take a long time if we were to perform them by hand. Now that we have that defined let’s see about those pros and cons!
Table of Contents
1. Fighting tedious tasks
Source: kennected.org
When it comes to automation and LinkedIn in particular, we know that we have to do a lot of boring things to make results. These are tedious, time-consuming and repetitious which makes the entire thing even worse. In linked in you can look for workers, look for a job opening, broaden your professional network and more and all of those tasks fall into the category of click, search, click, search, send queries, sending messages and more. That is what makes this part of the LinkedIn usage very time consuming and unproductive. This is where the automation tools step in and ease this process, at least, to a significant extent. Thanks to these tools you can now reliably send emails, make first-level connections, invite other people to follow your business, send follow-up messages and more, which is rather remarkable and liberating at the same time.
2. Doing work without actually working
LinkedIn revolves around effort. Depending on what you are using this website for and depending on your desired goal you will need to put more or less effort in, but with automation tools, you can easily start an entire automation campaign that will have you do awesome work without actually working. Automation tools can be set for a certain task, you can program them to do what you want and for how long you want. Thanks to this you can easily employ your mind and time somewhere else and raise productivity to another level, without risking inactivity on the website.
3. Leads
Source: phantombuster.com
Now, whenever you start a new campaign you can set the perimeters of it that will yield you in best results. Whenever you define perimeters accordingly your automated campaign will work perfectly. You will see that it will easily send invitational requests as well as do follow-up messages very successfully. After that, all you have to do is sift through the reports you get back and choose the ones that are ready and interested, right?! No, not actually. Even that task can and should be automated for best results. Thanks to these tools you will never have to check anything by hand, meaning no more manual labour, all you have to do is go check the info provided about each one of your automated campaigns and simply pick the best leads you need.
1. Block or restricted risks
Source: kevsbest.com
Now whenever you are automating something, you are making it repeat each process several times, over and over again. LinkedIn doesn’t like that, especially with third-party software’s. you always need to get acquainted with the terms and services as well as with safe use limits that are provided by the company. You also must know that you won’t get in trouble immediately. LinkedIn allows for the usage of these tools but not constantly and not for extended periods. You may get a warning or two at the beginning with some restrictions in place, but if you continue to run these tools even after warnings then you can safely expect that the website might permanently ban your account. Be careful about this and always read the TOS and follow any use terms that apply to everyone.
LinkedIn automation software offer several pros, such as saving time by automating repetitive tasks like sending connection requests and follow-up messages, helping scale lead generation, and allowing for consistent engagement with potential clients. However, the cons include the risk of violating LinkedIn’s policies, which could lead to account restrictions or bans, and the possibility of losing the personal touch in networking, potentially damaging relationships if not used thoughtfully. Balancing automation with authentic interaction is key to maximizing the benefits while minimizing risks.
2. Good tools
Now we mentioned this several times, and we believe that you are all aware that there are good tools and bad tools you can use. What we always recommend is that you do your research and checkups, especially with your friends that use these or have used them. Try to look for a tool that is rated the best, that has some feedback behind it and that someone recommended. Whenever you find bad tools you risk having comments, messages and follow-ups seem forced and not natural. You need the best tool that allows for smart personalization so you can avoid this.
3. Price
img source: linkmobility.es
When it comes to cons, of nearly everything, there is always that price factor that ruins everything. Good automation tools cost money and if you want everything as smooth as possible, without doing the work by yourself, you will need to spend it. if you opt for cheaper tools you risk the things we mentioned above. The only thing that needs to be done here, is to sit with yourself and define how much does your time, efforts spend elsewhere and general efficiency are worth. With this, you will define if you are ready to pay what is asked for top quality automation tools.