Excelling in academics puts enormous pressure on students. Numerous kinds of literature to read, tests, and the stress of not disappoint themselves or their families made students trying to find an easy way out. Cheating on exams is a bad idea and carries numerous penalties by the universities; books that are part of the curriculum they have to read if they want to be able to participate in lectures and pass the tests. So, they found a way to release the pressure when it comes to writing huge essays, at least. Many students turned to the Internet to find someone to write for them. Sometimes they just don’t have enough time to dedicate to every subject, and sometimes they are just burned out from all the obligations and expectations. The vast majority don’t blame them, but there are some people who raised the questions about the ethics of paying someone else to do your work and then presenting it like your own.
The Internet is full of websites offering writing services. Students from different universities are looking to destress a bit. Statistics say that every student used the services offered by ghostwriters at least once during their education. An online community of writers like Writepaperfor.me can deliver a perfectly written paper on any subject and many students grabbed this opportunity. Some would think that you should seek these services only for Masters, or some extensive, detailed papers that are complex and time-consuming. This couldn’t farther from the truth. Scholars are seeking for help even for the simple essays, and using that time do study something else instead. Or, let’s say, maybe, get some sleep.
img source: internationalstudent.com
Critics, on the other hand, are shouting plagiarism from the top of their lungs. In the academic circles, passing off an essay as your own, while in reality was written by someone else is considered to be plagiarism. However, the supporters are saying that many students major in subjects that have nothing to do with their writing skills, like mathematics or chemistry, and they should be cut some slack. How much? It’s debatable. One side says they should be able to express themselves and develop the skill of writing, while others say that there is too much pressure on the students as it is. Both sides have a firm stand and are not willing to compromise.
And then there is a problem with the ESL students. They are struggling to keep up with the native speakers, and writing a 10-page essay is their number one nightmare. Professors are usually not inclined to lenient towards them, leaving foreign students in agony. Should they be allowed to seek some help or at least some guidelines? Depends on who you ask. Universities think that they should fit in or go home. It’s a harsh environment and the bar is set pretty high. Others think that they should be given a break from writing overwhelming essays in, for them, a foreign language. International students use the service of writing essays websites in huge numbers. Usually, they are able to understand and follow instructions without any major problems, but when it comes to putting their thought into words the agony begins. So, to be able to focus on major subjects, they seek professional help from ghostwriters. People who blame them did not walk in their shoes, so they can scream and shout plagiarism all they want.
img source: fashionbombdaily.com
There is a question of ethics. Students took the stand in unity that seeking help is not unethical. Spending the majority of the day on classes leaves little time to research and write an extensive essay. Besides, from ordering a paper they can see how it’s supposed to be done, so there is actually something to learn there. Students get an insight into how to begin, how to make notes, the flow of the paper, and maybe the next one they can write by themselves. Also, hiring a writer to pen your paper will, in many cases, guarantee high grades. Now, grades count big time, and sacrificing quality is not an option. If you don’t have a knack for writing, writing your own paper is not a good idea, students claim. There is a lot of truth to this since, in the end, no one is going to ask how you wrote the paper, but what grade did you achieve.
The benefits of having someone help you out with writing are immeasurable for many students. The only task students would have in front of them would be to find a reputable website that can keep the promise of writing a quality paper on time. Not everyone got the scholarship, many have to work during their studies. These young people are truly having a hard time getting everything done and go to work part-time. Dedicating hours, if not days, to writing an essay just doesn’t fit into their schedule. If they major in something that has nothing to do with having a gift for writing, that represents even more reason to pay for someone to take that baggage off of their shoulders.
img source: customwrittenessay.com
Having excellent scores are the key to getting a good job later. Every student knows this, and many times they only study to boost their grades. Professionals who have years, if not decades, behind them in writing on every subject possible, are the first ones the scholars are going to turn to. Their vocabulary is impeccable, and they deliver unique content every time. Time-consuming work can be eliminated and everyone stands to gain something.
For students living on ramen noodles most of the time, the price can be an issue. Borrowing from their already burdened parents is humiliating, and there is not enough money to go around between rent, books, and buying clothes. A minimum wage can cover only so much. However, good grades are their future, and the general advice is not to pick the cheapest service you can find. Look for reviews and some available examples. Consider this to be an investment, not only something to get off of your list.