Going to college is an exciting period in everyone’s life. It is exhilarating and scary at the same time. After all, it is a huge change, and it can be daunting for some people who are used to being cuddled in their comfort zone.
Still, it is the best time of your life. There will be so many things for you to learn and explore, many people you will meet, and some of them will become your friends for life. Most of all, it is going to be so much fun.
However, there are numerous misconceptions that future freshmen have, and in this article, we are going to discuss some that are most popular. Sorry to burst your bubble, but these are the things that you have to know before your first day at campus arrives.
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Your roommate will be your best friend
Source: startschoolnow.org
Okay, let us clarify this. Depending on your accommodation, you will have to share it with at least one other person. If this person turns out to be your soulmate, that is great. You will have a companion for the entire year.
Still, keep in mind that sometimes, well oftentimes, this doesn’t happen. Yes, we know, living with someone you don’t like can be quite difficult, but still, you have to do your best to keep the peace between you. This is especially important if it isn’t possible to change rooms and switch with someone. Do your best to be tolerant and ensure not to step on each other’s toes.
If it turns out that living with this person in unbearable, then talk to your RA, and see what can be done. After all, the freshman year is stressful enough, so the last thing you need is to be out of the space where you can relax.
Intimidating professors
Source: petersons.com
Generally speaking, most students are terrified of their teachers even before they ever see them in class. There is no logical explanation for this, but still, it is how most pupils feel. You have to shake this fear off as soon as possible. Yes, we know that this is easier said than done, but you have to try your best.
After some time, you will realize how stupid this misconception is. After all, professors are also human, and they understand that you are too, which is why they have so much patience for freshmen. Plus, their job isn’t to scare you and make you do things, but instead, they are there for you. Their only mission is to help you learn, master certain skills, and prepare you for your future career.
Too much homework
Source: verywellfamily.com
Yes, there will be loads of homework that you will have to do, but it won’t be anything that you can’t manage. There will be a lot of books you will have to read, and numerous essays that you will have to write. While on the subject of these, it is common knowledge that students hate having to complete this type of task. Some of them are not great writers, and others just hate the idea of how much time they will have to spend on it, which is why sometimes they turn to professionals like essayonline.net.
Depending on the classes you take, some tasks will require you to invest more time and effort than the others. Nevertheless, the key to success is to be organized. Due to this reason, you should start using planners. Try to calculate the amount of time you will need to do all the studying, and organize your day and week according to it. Don’t forget to leave enough time every day to unwind and do something fun.
Everything revolves around parties
Source: collegerag.net
Constant parties are one of the main reasons why young people are excited about starting college. Regardless of the time of the day or the night, there will always be a gathering you can attend, and there is no one who is going to supervise you, meaning that you can stay as long as you want. Nevertheless, don’t be too thrilled about this.
First of all, there is absolutely no way that you can party all the time and manage to have a perfect score on your tests. That is simply not going to happen. We are not saying that you should spend the whole time studying, but you have to be responsible. This means that you should follow your schedule and go to a party only if you have finished all your work on time. We know, this sounds like a bummer, but it is how things are going to work.
On the other hand, some individuals aren’t party people, so they might be worried about where to spend their time if they do not want to attend these gatherings. There is no need to worry about this. You will not be the only person who doesn’t find parties appealing. You will, in no time, meet people who share your attitude, and you will bond with them over some common interests.
Attendance is not important
Source: foxbusiness.com
This couldn’t be more wrong. It doesn’t matter if the attendance is optional, you should still go to all your classes. First of all, those classes are the whole reason why you are there, right? Secondly, even if that class appears to be insignificant and fairly easy for you to learn everything, not only can this prove to be false, but it will also take a significant amount of your time in the future.
It is okay for you to miss a few of them, here and there, but you have to ensure to attend as many as possible, if not all of them. Why? By attending regularly, you will be able to learn so much just by sitting there and listening to your professor. This means that you won’t have to spend too much time studying for the test, and you will probably pass the class with flying colors. If you decide to skip it, keep in mind that you will have to invest a lot of effort in order to pass it, time and effort that you could spend on some more complex tasks or even going to a party. In the end, the choice is yours, so be smart about it.