Why Millennials Are Driving the Animation Porn Industry – 2024 Review

Millennials love animation porn- not necessarily for what the genre offers, but for all the things it doesn’t.

Words out, Millennials love animated porn, and we’re absolutely here for that. Whether it’s an undying nostalgia for the love of all things cartoon- not just Disney, but also made for adult cartoon series like Archer, Venture Bros., and the ever epic Metalocalypse; or just the fact that we grew up in an age where live-action, porn on film has just become another run-of-the-mill internet offering, millennials are watching more animation porn than any other generation.

For years, animated pornography was little more than hand-drawn stills, or comic book style hentai manga. But now, sites like PornDoe offer almost any kind of free animation porn videos that you could imagine, and even some that you probably can’t. “That’s probably one of the greatest things about animated pornography, there are no rules. Anything you can think up, any situation, character, or environment- whatever it is you’re into, there’s probably an animated pornographic short that addresses those fantasies.” Say the minds behind the site’s wide array of adult content.

No Rules, No Normal in Animation Porn

Img source: flickr.com

This is arguably one of the main reasons so many of the Gen Y’ers are flocking to the web to find themselves some not-so-normal erotica. For a generation that was torn between being raised with some seriously questionable normalization of stereotypes and bigotry (just revisit Friends if you want an extra cringey example), to spending adolescence and adulthood grappling with setting aside these less than appropriate ideals; trying to balance genuinely caring about humans and their rights, but also constantly wanting to push boundaries. “Normal” became a threshold of perfection that was almost inconceivable. Something that most of us have strived for, but all fell short of, deciding instead to carve our own way forward.

A genre of erotica in which the concept of normal doesn’t exist was something most of us wanted. A genuine fantasy that we could play out in our minds and on our screens without having to scrutinize every aspect of what we were being turned on by. As the landscape is purely digital, there’s no need to worry about exploitation, or anyone (or anything) being harmed by our kinkier predilections. It also gave us an outlet to unfurl our wildest desires without judgment.

No Beauty Standards in Animation Porn

Img source: wallpaperhi.com

The fact that, in animation porn, women can sport near comically large breasts, magically sprout penises, and pretty much everyone is game for gender bending, is more than enough information to assure you that typical beauty standards have no place here. Oftentimes, female characters are portrayed as sexually naive or virginal, with ageless features. Males aren’t as prevalent in the genre as you might think- well, human males anyway. But, it’s not unusual to see a vampire, robot, orc, or even Fallout’s famous death claws- abs rippling, tattoos glistening, and fur gently undulating to the motion of whatever manner of character is riding it.

There are quite literally no beauty standards. The size of both the characters and their assets are anything but standardized. Tails, horns, claws, scales, and cybernetics aren’t unusual, and I’m not aware of any standardized idea of beauty for chimeras. This complete freedom of expression and imagination is sometimes a large part of the turn-on itself, allowing users to explore taboo’s in a safe and non-exploitative environment. Which can be really comforting for a good many people.

No Guilt

Img source: digitalresult.com

Sexual violence, abuse, bestiality, even incest, are all genres that can be explored in a relatively safe environment, allowing for a better outlet for fringe fantasies. The cartoon images also bring up some seriously erotic taboo, as many of the characters depicted are those that millennials are intimately familiar with in a very innocent fashion. Where we were exposed to Beauty and the Beast at a young age, the overarching moral stayed with us, but as we grew, so indeed did our sexual fantasies. So now that we’re already in, or at the very least well on our way to- our 30’s, of course, there’s something provocatively naughty about watching Belle get down and dirty with Beast, if not go wild and throw Gaston (and that randy candlestick) into the mix.

Getting turned on by the sheer devilish thought of our childhood heroes getting down isn’t anything to be ashamed of either, as we should all be actually aware of ‘marital relations’ by now- if not have curated a full-on sexual repertoire. The hyper-sexualization of… well, pretty much everything in animation porn can be delightfully overwhelming. Its sex taken to the extreme outer limits, and for millennials- that’s a trend we see in everything. From technology to food. Even our beer isn’t satisfactory unless it’s endowed with 75 different varieties of hops and aged in twelve different types of whiskey casks. So really, animation porn is just another example of millennials doing what millennials do best- pushing limits and not really caring whether or not you’re into it.

Bogdan Radicanin
Bogdan Radicanin

My name is Bogdan Radicanin, but everyone calls me Boba. I also work as a full-time musician. I approach both jobs with a lot of passion, and I believe that's what makes me successful.
