What Can You Do With a Business Management Degree in 2024

Business management includes a wide range of tasks: setting goals and choosing ways to achieve them, motivating employees, ensuring proper accounting, assessing results, etc. Professions related to the field of business management traditionally take leading positions in world-ranking companies.

It is no surprise that, according to the National Center for Educational Statistics, business management is at the top of the list of sought after degrees. It helps develop various skills: leadership, people management, analytical and critical thinking, problem-solving, decision making, numeracy, and communication.

If you are seeking an answer to the question, “What kind of jobs can you get with a business management degree?” this article can help. Keep reading, and you will find many useful tips.

What You Should Know About Business Management Degree

As a broad term, business management includes concepts, theories, and practices needed for business operations. Earning a degree in business management consists of studying business administration, marketing, accounting, economics, finance, and information systems. Business management principles help large corporations, nonprofits, small and medium-sized businesses achieve success and grow.

Typically, you’ll have to complete a four-year baccalaureate program (120 semester hours) to get a business management degree. However, depending on your prior education and future career goals, you may also choose a 2-year associate program or a master’s degree.

Your coursework may include finance, human resources, workplace relations, economics, marketing, etc. Usually, the training is conducted in a teamwork-style. All this can prepare you for an entry-level position.

How to Get a Business Management Job

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Getting a bachelor’s degree can be the first step in your career, but the following tips can help you land a job with a business management degree.

Create a convincing cover letter

A candidate needs to stand out in such a competitive labor market, and a cover letter can help you catch the recruiter’s attention. It’s especially crucial for recent graduates since the lack of working experience is their weakest point.

A professional cover is your opportunity to show that you have knowledge, skills, motivation, and potential. For those who don’t know how to write one, the Internet offers many different resources: from videos and articles dedicated to this topic to examples of cover letters.

All you need is an understanding of what you are looking for. If you are interested in how to write a cover letter, ask your search engine about useful tips; if you want to apply for a specific position, like a business manager, visit www.getcoverletter.com.

Apply persistently

Your task is to get your first job in the business management field. It requires persistence, so you should apply for any position in which you are interested.

Surely, you need to carefully read the job description to understand how your knowledge, skills, and qualifications meet the employer’s expectations and requirements. However, remember that there are some things you can learn during your work, and if you feel you’re capable of doing it, apply. Even if you don’t get a job offer, you may still be invited for an interview, which is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the position and improve your communication skills.

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Prepare for an interview

An interview is your chance to tell the employer all those things you couldn’t say in your resume. However, the way you present yourself also matters. You need to be calm and confident and maintain eye contact.

Research the most common business management interview questions and prepare your answers so that you are not caught off guard. Your answers should be structured and to the point.

Work on your self-development

No matter what the results of your job search and interviews, you should never stop expanding your knowledge. Read books to develop necessary skills and take online courses on edX or Coursera to get relevant certificates and prove that you want to become the best specialist in the field.

What Can You Do With a Business Degree

Good business and management skills are essential for company profitability, but also non-profit organizations. Effective leaders, strategists, and financial experts are in high demand for businesses of all types. So if you are wondering what to do with a business management degree, you may be surprised how many opportunities this labor market offers.

Here are ten of the most popular jobs that will welcome your business management degree.

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1.  Business Manager

This position is one of the most popular careers with a business management degree. These specialists monitor and manage company activities and employees. They ensure productivity and efficiency via implementing business strategies, evaluating company performance, and supervising staff.

2.  Sales Representative

The sales representative role includes communication with customers to describe product features and answering their questions. Some of them sell directly to consumers, while others work with businesses and other organizations.

3.  Operations Manager

These specialists review performance data to assess productivity and goal achievement. They can identify areas that may need cost reduction or program improvements.

4.  Financial Manager

Financial managers oversee the economic situation in the organization. They prepare financial reports, manage commercial activities, and develop strategies for long and short-term financial goals.

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5.  Management Analyst

These professionals research the structure of an organization and create plans to improve its effectiveness. They know how to reduce costs, increase revenues, and improve profitability.

6.  Marketing Manager

Marketing managers estimate the demand for the company’s products and services and develop and implement plans to increase it. They also analyze competitors and market trends.

7.  HR Specialist

HR specialists work with the company’s employees. Knowing how the business operates, they can select the best candidates for the team, conduct interviews, and organize relevant training.

8.  Project Manager

The project manager’s main task is to coordinate the cross-functional team, including creating, prioritizing, and scheduling tasks, supervising employees, communicating with project customers and contractors, problem-solving, etc.

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9.  Administrative Assistant

Administrative assistants prepare documents, handle phone calls, schedule meetings, control workflow, prepare invoices, etc. They can work within separate departments, for instance, HR or IT. It’s one of the best entry-level positions.

10. Entrepreneur

If you want to apply your business management knowledge and skills but prefer to work for yourself, the private entrepreneur path will suit you. However, you should remember that hard work is one of the keys to building your own successful business. It can be an online store, home-based business consultancy company, even franchising. The main thing is that the chosen format matches your interests and specializations.

Where to Find Business Management Jobs

Your search for a job will be easier if you know where to look. We suggest starting with some of the most popular places.

  • Job boards

Traditional job boards publish a wide range of job listings both for entry-level and advanced candidates. Using special filters, you can search for jobs according to salary rates, locations, and employment types.

  • Company social media pages and websites

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If you already have some ideas about which companies you want to work for, you should visit their Facebook or LinkedIn pages, and websites. They may post announcements about job openings as well as specific requirements. Moreover, these resources can help you prepare for an interview.

  • Freelancing websites

With the development of the Internet, many jobs have gone online. If you are sure that working out of the office doesn’t affect your efficiency or are considering a part-time job, you may want to check freelancing platforms, such as Upwork or Freelancer.

Wrap Up

A business management degree can prepare you for working in different industries. It gives you the skills and credentials to succeed in your area of passion. You can work for private companies, government, and non-profit organizations, or start your own business.

However, no matter how diverse the business management labor market is, there’s always high competition. So you need to create a high-quality self-presentation, expand your knowledge and skills, and thoroughly prepare for your interview.

Now that we’ve answered the question “What jobs can you get with a business management degree?” and provided you with some useful and practical tips, we want to wish the best in your search and success in your career.
