How to Generate Leads for Your IT Company – 2024 Guide

According to a report done by SBA, roughly 35% of all newly-created businesses fail in the first three years. There are a plethora of reasons why this happens, there’s one of them that stands out from the crowd. We are talking about failing to establish a consistent lead generation. If you want to take a look at a lot of important details regarding lead generation, visit

If you are interested in creating an IT company from scratch, you’ll need to pay serious attention to this aspect. Not only that lead generation will help you in an obvious way, but it can also fill the gaps created by another element your business’ lacks. Because of how important it is, we want to provide you with a couple of advice on how you can generate leads for your IT company. Let’s check them out.

1. Outdated Website


Having an unresponsive website and it’s updated for quite a long time can create a lot of problems for your business’ SEO down the road. If you haven’t paid attention to this factor it can lead to some severe situations, like losing the online presence completely. It is because, no matter how is interested in what you can offer, customers will expect a user-friendly interface and overall smooth experience.

Among the most important tasks, you need to conduct is optimizing it for all the devices out there, like mobile phones, laptops, personal computers, and tablets. You never know what devices visitors own. So, it makes perfect sense that you should cover all of them. Even if the site is optimized, make sure that its interface is presentable and easy to use. Without it, you cannot expect many long-term benefits.

2. Direct Engagement

Establishing a direct engagement with loyal or future customers is an absolute must. Especially if your business sells valuable products, or provides services that are billed every month. That way, your customers will have a chance to have an insight into even the smallest of details. Providing them with this chance will surely help you build trust with them, and ensure they will stay loyal to your business.

If your services are not billed this way, and products are not, let’s say, luxurious, then including this aspect is not among the most important ones. Thankfully, there are many ways you can do this nowadays. Just think about the potential behind social media platforms and emails. You can reach practically anyone interested in receiving additional information about your products easily.

3. Invest in New Technologies


IT companies depend on new technologies. Not following them carefully can cause a drop in sales. It makes perfect sense, people always want to try out new services or products, and if you do not have them, your competition will attract some percentage of your customers. It can be quite tiring to follow all of these, but not following them at all will cause the business to fail completely after some time.

But that doesn’t mean you will be successful if you have all the latest products and services to offer, but you do not invest in modern marketing. Meaning, if you do not invest in all the newest marketing methods, you cannot expect profit. To prevent these uncomfortable situations, pay attention to all the latest trends and technologies, and invest in them on time.

4. Content Marketing


There’s no better way to attract leads than having top-notch quality content marketing. Over time, this approach has been proved by numerous statistics conducted by a plethora of credible agencies. Not only that customers want to know all there is about products and services a certain business offers, but they also want to take a look at some interesting content that can help them learn something new.

To ensure this quality, every business’ website requires a blog. All the content should talk about how these products and services can be used efficiently. However, not including some interesting facts about a certain topic, like discussing myths and new trends, would be a mistake. Besides that, you should research keywords to attract even more people to your site. Those who didn’t visit it intentionally.

5. Ask for Referrals

One of the oldest strategies for increasing lead generation out there is using customer referrals. Basically, it means that the customers will write their thoughts about your products. It needs to be said that there are two ways these referrals can be created. They can be either in the form of rumors. Meaning, you can ask your customers to share their opinion of your business with their friends.

That way, your business’s network will expand massively in no time. Another option is them writing online reviews on your services or products. When some potential customers take a look at these, they will, without any doubt, have a good first impression. Including these on one of your business websites will provide you with a lot of different benefits down the road, you can be sure of that.

6. Downloadable Content


Last but not least, it is important to talk about the downloadable content. We live in a day and age when data is the most valuable resource. So, whenever someone has a chance to get something for free, it serves as a great chance to make someone more interested in a certain topic. Therefore, the customers will be interested in what you have to offer them, especially when it is completely free.

It needs to be said that downloadable content should be a key party of any content marketing strategy. In these cases, the commonest downloadable content out there are guides, templates, calculators, checklists, etc. To make these even more effective, place them in an area where customers can purchase the products in one click.

The Bottom Line

Even though generating leads for your IT company looks like an easy thing to do, you can be sure that it can represent quite a challenge. Here, we’ve presented our readers with a couple of tips that can help when to generate leads more efficiently. We are certain you will find all of them helpful.

Bogdan Radicanin
Bogdan Radicanin

My name is Bogdan Radicanin, but everyone calls me Boba. I also work as a full-time musician. I approach both jobs with a lot of passion, and I believe that's what makes me successful.
