The Covid-19 pandemic has brought the entire world to a standstill, amidst which several businesses are grappling to survive, and many have been forced to shut down. According to a report by Fortune, nearly 100,000 establishments that temporarily shut down due to the pandemic are now out of business. Many industries have suffered humongous losses during this period, and contrary to the belief of many, this outbreak has been pretty hard on the SEO industry as well. It is true that internet usage and search have indeed skyrocketed during these months, but like any other industry, the SEO industry has also undergone tremendous change. Let us put it this way- even though the search volume has soared significantly during the outbreak, the paid and organic traffic received by several websites, especially the nonessentials ones has plummeted causing the existing SEO strategies to be of no use. And that’s precisely why we need to reboot.
On the other hand, a large population believes that this outbreak has been easy on the SEO industry, as several businesses have taken the digital route and require SEO strategies, which isn’t entirely untrue either. This is why experts are currently suggesting individuals to take up Simplilearns SEO training, as the scope for it is likely to increase after the pandemic. However, let’s first address the more important question, i.e. what will be the future of SEO in the post-covid world, and what business can do to make it a success.
img source: manaferra.com
Both consumers and businesses are seeing things under a different lens now. So, we need to put on the same set of glasses and strategize and act accordingly. In order to do that, you need to create a checklist of things.
- Start by reviewing your current SEO strategies, and keywords to see whether or not they are still relevant.
- See what kind of content consumers are currently searching for.
- See if the businesses are still targeting the same geographical area.
- Review your existing content, especially the top-ranking lot, and make a list of the changes that it might require.
Once you have all the data in hand, you’ll be able to track the current situation and the required amendments, and layout a novel SEO strategy for your business. SEO companies, like Sure Oak, can help you determine what your biggest opportunities are, and they can also help you learn what’s holding back your website from ranking higher and getting more traffic. They can guide you in terms of the SEO strategies that you should pursue, what keywords you should be targeting, and the type of content you should be creating. It may take some time for your ideas to take off during the ‘new normal’ but if you start strategizing at the right time, you’ll be able to come out stronger than others. After all, SEO is a long-term strategy and needs to be worked upon in advance. On that note, to ensure a quick post-covid recovery, here are some of the things you can start working on:
Table of Contents
1. Stay Consistent
img source: xforcebody.com
While Covid-19 has put the world to a halt, it shouldn’t stop you from being consistent in your SEO practices. As they say ‘consistency is key’ make sure you do not turn a blind’s eye to SEO whether or not it’s reaping you any benefits at the moment. Your actions right now can determine the success (or collapse!) or your business once the situation gets back to normal.
2. Stay Super-Active On Google Trends
img source: triberr.com
This outbreak has brought the least of tech-savvy fellas online. People are continuously searching for an array of things that you, as an SEO expert need to keep an eye out for. You can achieve this by constantly monitoring Google Trends, to keep a track of the trends bearing relevance to your business, and generate content around it. Staying at the forefront will give you an edge over others, boost traffic on your website, and will help your sales shoot up post-pandemic.
3. Generate More Top/Mid-Funnel Content
img source: pinterest.com
The pandemic has caused a shift in consumer behavior, and needs, which is precisely what you need to study and act upon. Use this as an opportunity to generate more content, especially top or mid-funnel content. This practice might not give you any immediate results, but it will definitely help you get your products and services out there, and boost your sales in the longer run.
4. Focus On Long-Form Content
Long-form content is key to successful SEO. Since the consumers have more time on their hands as opposed to earlier, they will more likely consume interesting, and informative long-form articles. Long-form articles, with high-quality writing, and apt keyword usage can actually fetch you higher ranks on Google, further drawing more traffic to your website. So, utilise this time to create a bank of long-form articles that you can publish in the coming weeks and months.
5. Update Your Existing Content
img source: dm.design
Another wonderful strategy to maintain your business’s SEO involves refurbishing the existing content on your website. Scan your website thoroughly to find content that may be relevant in the existing times, and spruce it with new and relevant keywords to boost its ranking and gain more traffic.
6. Focus On SEO As Whole
img source: stackpathdns.com
While content lies at the forefront of any SEO strategy, several other factors can determine the success of your SEO strategy. You can use this time to make all the changes you can to the website, such as updating the pictures, enhancing the page speed, checking the URL structure, and more, to make sure there are no loopholes.
7. Arrange Rigorous SEO Training Sessions For Employees
img source: taskpigeon.co
A successful SEO strategy depends entirely upon the brains behind it. A successful post-covid recovery requires you to have a well-equipped team of SEO experts, who are super-vigilant and know all the tactics to boost website traffic. Therefore, all businesses must have their teams undergo extensive SEO training during this period, so they can come out stronger and well-equipped in the coming times, as for all we know, we are only heading towards more demanding times.