Is it Possible to Earn Bitcoin on Your Android Smartphone

Every year there are many changes in almost every given aspect of our life, and sometimes that change is small, but sometimes that change shook up the world, and blockchain technology, along with the invention of cryptocurrencies, is for sure something that marked the past decade. There is no human in the world who hasn’t at least heard about cryptos, and since the growth of users and its overall popularity skyrocketed last year, it is more than clear that cryptocurrencies represent a thing of the future.

With that said, and with so many people looking for a way to start earning cryptos, and with the value of BTC reaching new highs, the question remains, what could be the easiest way to get some BTC. Well, depending on how much money you want to invest, there are several ways to do it, and if you want as much BTC right away, then taking some risks is a must as you can start trading in crypto platforms designed especially for that. Of course, those who don’t want to risk too much can always take their time and trade carefully, watch some videos, participate in various surveys, etc.

There are plenty of options, but one way to get BTC with small or no investment at all is for sure mining. It is how it all started, and even though when someone mentions mining, the first thought of many is about high electricity bills or expensive computers that are overheating, so you need to put them in the room where you can cool them down, technology advanced so much, and today, there is another option, another great way to start a crypto adventure for which you wouldn’t have to spend much money. Yes, even though it may sound impossible, mining Bitcoin via Android smartphones is more than possible, and for those who still don’t believe it, let’s take a closer look at how it all works.

Can you really do that?

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Bitcoin mining required a newer computer with good hardware and software that could manage to do all that without crashing. As technology advanced, so did smartphones, and because of that, today, it is possible to work through them as well, which is a great thing for so many of us who have some old ones lying around, which can now be doing something great, earning money. Interest in cryptocurrencies is rapidly growing, meaning that the software had to be created for users to mine with their phones. Many people do not have the time and requirements for a computer, but today almost every person uses a smartphone, which makes mining easy for everyone. It is based on blockchain technology which requires a lot of energy, so people who are serious about it still prefer to use computers.

That does not mean that it is not possible to use the phone, so for those who are just getting acquainted with this topic, it is a much better and simpler option. The applications used for this are not too complicated, so any person interested in it can easily learn to use them. Technology is expected to advance more and more and what the creators and the majority expect is that more people use phones for mining. This software makes it easier for ordinary people to start dealing with cryptocurrencies and, on the other side, their profitability because the number of users is increasing every day.

How does it work?

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Mobile mining is basically the same thing as classic mining. The only difference is in the amount of power that you are sharing with other miners. Every person can join the mining pool or farm, and once you join, you can start collecting bitcoin. The problem is that miners that are already in that pool for a long time will always get better awards because of the higher amount of contributed power. Comparing to them, you will get less because the amount of power contributed by mobile phones will always be smaller. All the rewards are shared with all the users in the pool, and more power always means more awards. That can be one downside of using the phone for mining, but that can improve over time. Like in every other job, it is necessary to be persistent and not give up at the first sign that it is difficult. No beginning is easy, but persistence and desire can make things easier, and in the end, it’s not like you are actually mining, as your phones are doing all the work.

Choosing the right application

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Choosing the right app can be difficult for beginners because there is a lot of software today. It is crucial to pick the one that is reliable, considering that with such a high interest in cryptocurrency, the number of fake applications is growing. Using a bogus app will not bring money, and you can lose a lot. To use them, you need to enter personal data, so it is very important to know where that data goes precisely. Do some research before deciding to start mining just to make sure you are not wasting your time and that your personal details are protected. Keep in mind that some of them are offering the wallet that is necessary to store the Bitcoin, and the others will ask you to install another app for that. Pick the option that suits you the most, and start with your own crypto mining adventure.

Summing up

For quite some time now, mining is once again at its peak as new users find it as a great way to start earning BTC, and being able to do so via Android smartphones just adds to its tally. Moreover, all this means that everyone can join the crypto community. Luckily, for those not informed enough or who don’t know how to find the best crypto trading platform or need some advice, there are reputable and trustworthy websites that can help with that, and if you need more info on that, click here, and start creating your crypto future.
