Online dating has been increasing in popularity for some time. Men considering signing up for an online service to search for single women have so many options. Websites provide access to the personal details of many available girls, with new members joining these outlets every day. The downside of entering such a thriving community is that your dating profile will need to stand out from the crowd to attract attention. After analyzing many male dating profiles, the site iamnaughty.com came to conclusions on the creation of the ideal profile, which are collected in this article.
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1. Make your dating profile short and honest
Source: datingscout.com.au
A good tip about creating an eye-catching profile is to put yourself in the position of someone browsing through all the personal details listed on the website. What information would catch your eye about an individual, and what would seem irrelevant in terms of building a rapport? Anything too wordy mighty prompt you to move on to the next choice. With that in mind, make sure your details are succinct and to the point. A profile shouldn’t contain exhaustive information – this isn’t a CV. Highlight the most interesting and exciting details. Importantly, everything should be truthful and geared towards inviting other site users to want to get to know you better.
2. Be positive. Don’t write negative things on your dating profile
Source: gq.com
Dating profiles are all about establishing a sense of compatibility. There will be a time and a place for divulging deeper aspects of your life story; perhaps traumatic incidents you have been through, such as a spell in rehab or aspects of previous relationships that have left you with emotional or actual baggage. Disregard the urge to paint a ‘warts and all’ portrait at this stage. You can admit to deeper sides of your nature when you are building a sense of chemistry later, but in the initial stages of touching base with a potential partner, keep everything upbeat. Inject your paragraphs with humor and self-deprecation.
3. Say “No” to old photos. Refresh your profile with bright and active photos
Source: thenewgentleman.co.uk
Your profile photo will be the first thing other site users notice. This means you have to give this image the attention it fully deserves. Don’t simply upload a selfie you have screen-grabbed from social media because you think it makes you look a little quirky. Choose the first-class photo, preferably captured with a high-quality camera. Ensure your expression is inviting and friendly, and there are no distractions in the background. Another worthwhile tip would be to keep refreshing your profile by updating your image gallery regularly.
4. No extra people in your photos
Source: casanovastyle.com
Your profile should be exclusively about you. You might be tempted to include an image from some sports team you are proud to participate in, but having other faces cluttering this portrait is only going to be confusing to anyone casually browsing through the dating site. What if they were drawn to the person standing next to you instead?!
5. Make a mini video about yourself
Source: gq-magazine.co.uk
And even a more eye-catching way of boosting your profile would be to include a short video. People are naturally drawn to moving images, even more so than static photography. This represents a platform where you can sell yourself to potential partners, allowing them to not only see you but hear you as well. The objective would be to come across as approachable, speaking clearly to the lens. Remember people will be browsing into your profile from far and wide. While it would be inadvisable to adopt any false airs and graces, if you do have a regional accent, make sure that your speech is always eligible.
6. Add social media to your dating profile
Source: thethaiger.com
It would be a good idea to enhance your profile by including links to your social media presence. Site users like to get a rounded view of your personality beyond the few descriptive paragraphs listed on a dating site. If they can access your Instagram they can get a handle on where you live and the leisure activities you enjoy. Links to your Facebook pages will also allow them to examine your friendship circle, giving them an excellent idea of the type of person you are, gauging how you interact with your family and friends in social situations. This will also provide an insight into your hobbies and passions, increasing the sense of compatibility.
7. Be sure to check your grammar
Source: clearvoice.com
One thing potential partners will be especially unimpressed by is coming across a profile that appears to have been written in a rush, with little thought put into the impression this was going to make on the reader. But the most off-putting thing of all would be to upload an unedited profile description. There are many software tools available that will check and then eradicate incorrect spelling, and can also advise about aspects of grammar that could be improved. Pay close attention to these pointers so that the person browsing through your profile details isn’t put off by the apparent lack of care you have taken when composing this message. If you appear to have been careless with your profile, this could be taken as an indication that there are other areas of your life where you are equally apathetic and inconsiderate.
In conclusion, the profile present to the outside world should be eye-catching and fluent.
If you have specific aspects of your personality you would like to emphasize, do so with bullet points for subheadings – anything that will make the presentation more palatable. Don’t list your achievements exhaustively, but do focus on anything you are particularly proud of. Perhaps you have received a bravery award or some other commendation? Again, this is all about picking out aspects of your profile that will make you stand out. Ultimately, your description should inspire anyone reading through this information to want to find out more about you.