After you see rodents or insects in your home, the very first thing you’ll probably do is pick up the phone and call pest control professionals. Once they finish the process that eliminates the infestation problem, you won’t see any more insects or rodents in your home – but, this does not mean that they won’t reappear.
When you are dealing with these vexations, there are really two options that you can choose from – a year-round treatment or a one-time control treatment. However, you might be confused about the differences between the choices you have, and you might also want to learn what is better for you. And, if you found yourself in this situation, this article might be able to help you. Let’s take a look at the differences between the two alternatives, as well as what benefits they can provide you with:
Table of Contents
Year-Round Pest Control Treatments: Explained
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If you opt for a year-round pest control treatment, you should know that the professional offering the pest control service will take care of the infestation problems you have during a whole year. Why you might wonder? Well, different bugs, insects, and rodents emerge during different seasons, and they need to be taken care of when this happens.
Year-Round Pest Control Treatments: Benefits
Naturally, there are various benefits that you can gain by opting for a year-round treatment including:
1. Say “Goodbye” to Annoyances – the most beneficial thing about choosing this service is that you can live pest-free from an entire year. This means that you can make your home ant and mouse-proof, you can get rid of all the annoying spiders in your basement, and you won’t have to worry about terminates destroying your furniture.
2. Fewer Chemicals And Insecticides – now, this is something that might confuse you, but, it is completely true. Having a professional company such as working on your home for an entire year means that they will also work on preventing the bugs from entering your home. This means that they will also focus on the exterior, not only the interior of your house.
3. It is Cheaper – opting for this plan means that you’ll be paying less. How? Well, when compared to the other choice, you’ll not have to pay for the service every time you need them – which can be quite expensive. Instead, you’ll pay for an annual package, and you won’t have to worry about them charging extra for their services.
4. Less Hassle – imagine if you had to type in mice ‘prevention near me’ when you need these services, it would be annoying right? It can be quite time-consuming to find a company when you need their services. But, by choosing an annual plan, you won’t need to search for a company whenever you have an infestation problem.
5. Warranty – choosing this annual plan means that you’ll be protected by a warranty in case any of the insects return to your home. What does this mean for you? Well, it means that you can simply pick up your phone and call the company you chose to hire. They will then send a technician to your home that will take care of the issue.
One-Time Pest Control Treatments: Explained
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If you opt for a one-time pest control treatment, you should know that a professional will come to your home and deal with the problems you have once. This means that you won’t get visits during the entire year, but instead, only when you notice different bugs and rodents in your home.
One-Time Pest Control Benefits: Explained
There are benefits to choosing this plan as well, including:
1. Might Suit Your Budget Better – if you do not have hundreds of dollars to pay for an annual service upfront, you might want to opt for a one-time insect control service. Why? Well, you’ll only need to pay for the services they provide you with during that one time. This means that you can solve your problems even though you might be on a tight budget.
2. Always Available – if you opt for a yearly treatment plan, you might not get the services immediately. This is especially true when you consider all of the clients the company has. But, with a one-time service, you’ll likely be able to find an expert that’ll be able to come to your home as soon as they can – which means that you can get rid of the pests faster.
3. It is Convenient – as mentioned, opting for this plan will be less time-consuming and it might fit your budget better, however, it is more convenient as well. Why? Because you won’t need to get your hand dirty and take care of the problem by yourself. Hence, you can simply go out for a cup of coffee and return when the technician is done.
What Should I Choose?
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The very first thing you should be aware of is that you need to choose a plan that will not only suit your budget but one that will also suit your home and the infestation problems that you have. Depending on your budget and the services you need, you can look at the benefits mentioned above and determine which option might be best for you. Of course, you’ll also need to find a reliable and trustworthy company that will provide you with these services.
The best thing you can do is to check the reviews of the company’s previous clients. If they were satisfied with the services and if they did not experience a return of rodents and pests, you can opt for that company. But, if the situation is reversed, you might want to consider moving to the next company.
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As you can see, there are various differences between the two choices. Both of them will eliminate infestation problems you might have in your home, but, the main difference between the two is that one is a long-term solution, while the other only solves your problems for a limited period.
So, now that you know everything there is about the two options, as well as the benefits you can gain from them, you should not lose any more time. Instead, go back to the beginning of the article, read it once more, and then determine which option might be suitable for your needs, home, and of course, your budget.