The essential part of investing in cryptocurrency is the preparation. Even though they are quite “young”, in terms of how long have they been functioning in the financial market, a lot went on. What people learn first about them, just by reading past happenings is that they are extremely unpredictable, and the factors that influence their price movements are complicated to follow. To make investing and trading a bit easier to handle, many software solutions have been developed, such as those for automatic trading (click here to learn more about them).
For this reason, it is highly advisable to learn as much as possible, to know what to expect and where to look, when the turbulence starts. But the question is raised about how to have a reliable learning tool, that is up to date, in the market so volatile. Books take time to be written, and as soon as they are published, the information they contain is most likely to be outdated. Webinars and other online training are an option but do not give you the flexibility when it comes to time. Maybe you find it hard because of other obligations to fit in their schedule. Not to worry, there is one more option, by far more flexible than the other two we’ve mentioned. It’s the podcast. People share all kinds of useful information there, and it gives you the possibility to listen to the topics regarding crypto whenever you have time, regardless of your location.
If you are a listening type of learner, here are the 7 most popular podcasts you should listen to, to learn and stay up to date with the newest events on the market.
Table of Contents
1. Unchained
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Here’s a podcast that will help you get a better understanding of the impact these digital assets have on money. The host speaks about their impact on our habits of spending money but also investing and earning. What she says has great relevance, due to the fact she has built quite a career on the topic, being involved in the market since its early days.
It will also be interesting to hear, because she’s a professional journalist, therefore quite skillful in creating a show worth listening to. Moreover, the interviews she conducts and the style she uses make it very easy to understand the information presented in the podcasts.
As we mentioned, the form she uses is the interview, and she is the first from the mainstream media to dedicate her full time to reporting on this subject.
2. Joe Rogan Experience
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Those who are familiar with podcasts and comedy need no introduction about who this guy is, and what he does. Those who have no idea should know that is a well-established comedian and by
far the highest-paid on the platform. Some may ask what does he had to do with cryptocurrencies, and the question is legit, but you’ll understand when you go through his podcast list and see the topics. He has been interviewing some of the biggest names in the industry, who has reached the guru level.
The style used in this podcast you have to love, especially if you’re into talking about serious stuff using less formal language and in the laid-back atmosphere.
Definitely worth listening to.
3. Bitcoin Rapid Fire
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If you’re interested primarily in learning about bitcoin, as the first and the most popular, this should be on your listening list. Whatever question or doubt you may have about it, it is unlikely you won’t find it on this podcast’s list of topics. The format used by the host is very simple, a question-answer interview, giving you concrete information on the questions you need.
Some topics you find on the list will be more like a traditional interview, but nevertheless, you’ll find great use of the information provided.
4. Bitcoin Audible
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Another bitcoin-related channel that has a goal to strengthen listener knowledge of the currency that belongs to everyone. What is characteristic of it, in comparison to other podcasts, is that he doesn’t only use the interview format. He combines it with reading. Therefore, if you feel lazy to grab a book and read about this stuff, he’ll provide you with an audiobook.
5. Unqualified
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The title says one thing, but the reality is that the host is highly qualified and competent to speak about these things, being the CEO of Messari. He uses his connection to bring the most interesting people from the industry – builders, investors, to talk about the subject.
So, take this one very seriously, because these are the people speaking from the raw experience, who have digested the subject and managed to be successful in such an unpredictable market. Just as almost every other we’ve mentioned, he uses the interview technique for the podcasts.
6. What Bitcoin Did
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Another excellent channel about bitcoin. After all, it’s what requires your attention, given the rise in the value during the second half of 2024. Many predictions say its rise will continue, which means it’s a good currency to keep an eye on, if not invest.
The host’s interesting interviews will give you a hint about what you can expect in the future, and every single piece of advice given is by the people who know things.
A great source of information, given how hard it can be to make an assumption I the crypto market.
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For those not interested in trading, who would rather focus on mining, this podcast is THE source of information. Investing and trading have grown popular, but there are still those who find it simpler to mine for coins. Any great advice is welcome for those just starting out, and all the good ones are located in this podcast.
The podcast is full of interesting information, presented by people from different branches. It’s a learning method worth using, plus it keeps you updated on the subject without having to read the news. the news. Simply follow people who speak of things you’re interested in, and these 7 are top when it comes to crypto.