5 Coffee Books all Coffee Lovers Should Own

It’s well known that coffee and books always go hand in hand. So just tell us, is there anything more magical in this dreamy world than the smell of coffee mixed with the fresh fragrance of new paper pages? Or, better yet, the warmth that spreads throughout the whole body as we treat ourselves with a huge juicy sip of our favorite drink as we flip through the pages of a favorite novel? Rarely will anyone answer this question negatively, especially lovers of both of these pleasures. But have you ever thought about whether there are actually books that talk about this drink, to the extent that they make us completely immerse ourselves in the magic of its subsistence? We’ll tell you – of course, they are there: and they’re real.

Moreover, especially for you, we tried to find the five most popular literary works whose purpose and intention is to make you fall in love again and again with every fact and the new thing you learn about the enchanting world of coffee.


1. ‘The World Atlas of Coffee’

img source: muddle-me.com

You embark on this journey (in the literal sense of the word) with the author, James Hoffmann, who set himself a not so easy, but wonderful task – to acquaint you in a few interesting steps with the essence of the existence of this divine potion. The book has its own website and can be found both on Amazon and on other well-known book sales sites.

Starting with a botanical explanation of the origin of this plant, through a comprehensive description of the path that a single, simple bean crosses on the way to our cup, all the way to a real straight geographic route of coffee… It could be said that Hoffmann covered all the lesser-known facts with this masterpiece and plenty of captivating pieces of information that we may not have known even though we call ourselves coffee lovers. What is perhaps the most attractive part is this journey through the countries of the world where the realm of intoxicating scents reigns, which eventually ends up in our pots.

Although it includes a lot of chronological and geographical data, if the numerous fans of the writer and readers who left their impressions on Goodreads and similar platforms are to be believed, the book is by no means tedious. Even if you weren’t a fan of history classes at school and this information isn’t an interesting read for you, you will still not be able to resist these fragrant pages. Moreover, you may want to race to Brazil or Zambia, just to share a cup with hard-working pickers and consumers all around the globe.

2. ‘The Birth of Coffee’

img source: abebooks.com

While sitting on your balcony or in your comfy armchair with a cup of smokin’ hot drink and enjoying its gorgeous aroma, do you ever think of where all that finely ground powder comes from? Where do the many takeaway cups you treat yourself within the morning as a preparation for a busy day come from? Through whose hands did a million grains have to pass through so that we would have the opportunity to get soaked in their charms today?

These questions are answered by the book coming from the author couple Daniel and Linda Lorenzetti, who decide to shift the focus to a part that isn’t often covered – the nations and the labor force that deliver those magical beans all over the globe thanks to their sweat and effort. The stories of the people responsible for the tons and tons of grain exported to all inhabited continents, as well as their perspective and description of the procedures required by the production, left readers rather breathless.

This can also be understood from the reviews on Amazon, which are just another witness that these excerpts from the everyday life of pickers and producers are parts of a whole special saga about its origin. The pages of the book are inevitably enriched with lovely photographs that follow the entire stages of the process of picking and processing beans, which only makes the pleasure of reading more complete.

3. ‘I Love Coffee! Over 100 Easy and Delicious Coffee Drinks’

img source: karousell.com

Alright, and what about a special ‘cookbook’ dedicated only to recipes related to this miraculous liquid? Yes – bring it on! You have to be a huge fan of it to collect more than a hundred versions and ways of preparation to please not only yourself but also an immense base of coffee drinkers around the world. Susan Zimmer, who’s also the author of this absorbing manual, took on just such a task.

Of course, you can always go to a nearby cafe and get your favorite hot drink in the blink of an eye. Still, you know those moments when we’re just too lazy to get out of the house and when we would sell our souls for just a single delicious sip? Well, here’s the solution. Since the instructions for the preparation of various versions of drinks are extremely easy to understand and follow, they’re equally suitable for total beginners when it comes to this activity, but also for those who intend to make a business out of it.

In addition to this instructional part, of course, the book provides a decent introduction to the story and an explanation of how to get the ingredients we need to make a real little savory party in the home. After reading, everyone would probably simply want to go and buy some of the great coffee machines suggested by Pick & Brew, bring them home, and invite everyone they’ve ever known to a tasting of the latest ideas they’ve discovered.

4. ‘Blue Bottle Craft of Coffee’

img source: vox-cdn.com

There comes something similar to the previous suggestion, but much more concentrated to the process of learning coffee making art secrets. Thinking of people considering opening their own cafe or bar, James Freeman has compiled a kind of handbook for those who are determined in their idea to penetrate the essence of creating a lovable beverage on their own.

Since the Blue Bottle company itself has experienced enormous success when it comes to the production of this plant and set high standards in this area, it’s no wonder that they’re the ones who are competent to share tricks and tips with readers.

There are certainly fewer recipes in this book than in Susan Zimmer’s one, but it’s also enriched with some things that her creation lacks. This includes the art of roasting and preparing grains, checking the taste and quality and many other steps that are specifically important for those for whom the preparation of such drinks is the main preoccupation. So, whether you’re looking forward to becoming a barista or you’re simply more than willing to study these procedures more closely, you shouldn’t miss this book.

5. ‘Pour Your Heart Into It: How Starbucks Built a Company One Cup at a Time’

img source: amazon.com

We’ll end this short but cute list with a truly special book. There isn’t a person who hasn’t at least once waited in line at Starbucks to get a mug with their name scribbled on it. You can love it, or hate it, or maybe think that it’s rather overrated and doesn’t deserve so much pomp that emerged around it.

But did you know that turning a small Seattle-based company of the same name into an entire modern coffee empire known around the world is mostly the merit of a single man? You didn’t? Get ready to hear the story first handwritten by his own pen.

By incorporating this reading in part into motivational books, reviewers generally pay tribute to Howard Shultz, CEO of this ever-growing firm and the author of this literary creation. No, this isn’t the story about how the original Starbucks emerged – it existed long before the author decided to realize his dream of creating his own fulfillment of ideas through it.

This is the testimony of a man who, with a small amount of knowledge and resources, but with a lot of luck, work and sacrifice, brought the most famous chain of cafes to the top of the throne of all others.

The book is full of anecdotes, recalling key moments from the author’s life and all the risks and adventures on the way to achieving all his goals. It’s no wonder that this achievement attracted a lot of readers’ attention and that the copies are still being sold at full speed, even though this was written in 1997, as evidenced by the recent reviews on sales sites.
