6 Business Ideas for Stay-at-Home Parents in 2024

The global pandemic has touched people’s lives in various ways. One significant aspect is the shift in the landscape of the workforce. There’s been a drastic increase in the number of people who are now working at home. In fact, the work-at-home mom now represents the second largest demographic in the category of stay-at-home parents.

If you have somehow found yourself in a similar position, in need of a reliable source of income at least until this health crisis dies down, thegn allow us to share with you some profitable business ideas to help you out. Who knows? This might just be the career-shift you’ve been waiting for.

1. Freelance Writing

img source: iwriter.com

We understand how tight budgets can be right now. This is the reason why most of the business or gig ideas that we’re going to share with you only requires skill to get started. After all, if you’re reading this article right now, then chances are you already have a computer and a reliable internet connection.

As such, the first idea is freelance writing. Content is king in the world wide web, and despite the myriad of various content mediums out there, written content continues to dominate websites, forums, and other online platforms.

There is a high demand for freelance writers. A few minutes spent in any online job marketplace will reveal that. Choose one that pays on a per-project basis instead of an hourly one if you want to retain more control over your work hours, which is crucial for us parents.

2. SEO

img source: amazonaws.com

Those who don’t have a way with words might find search engine optimization tasks more preferable instead.

There might be a slight learning curve for those who are not fully familiar with SEO techniques. Fortunately, there are a lot of free online resources that you can learn from. There are a lot of companies that hire remote SEO specialists as well that offer free training.

While skill is still the fundamental investment required in this line of work, we can’t deny the efficiency and convenience that SEO tools provide. According to Adrack, web push notifications feature can keep you constantly updated on your tasks.

Another strategy to skip past the learning curve is to set-up your own SEO company instead and hire seasoned specialists. Coincidentally, there are also numerous resources on how to start a business like this online.

3. Graphic Design

img source: blogspot.com

As mentioned, written content still dominates the internet but we can’t deny the fact that humans are more visual beings. Hence, it’s no surprise that graphic design gigs follow close-in demand and availability when compared to freelance writing.

As with SEO, the main element required in this business is the skill and eye in making impressive graphics. However, investing in design programs also helps. Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator are the most popularly used. It is recommended to choose one that you’re already familiar with, though.

4. Sewing or Tailoring

img source: simplemost.com

Quarantine and social distancing procedures highly discourage people from going out unless for urgent reasons such as medical emergencies and shopping for essentials. This explains the remarkable increase in online transactions, especially in shopping.

While this proves to be the safer and more convenient approach, one can expect that there will be times when your orders simply won’t fit. This opens a unique opportunity for those who are already skilled in sewing and clothing alteration. Plus points if you already own a sewing machine.

You just need to be careful in handling clothes from your clients and make sure that your hands are constantly disinfected to prevent cross-contamination from infected goods.

5. Blogging

img source: clickfirstmarketing.com

But what if you excel in a skill that is not deemed “essential” right now or a service that can’t be provided remotely? Then blogging and being an online influencer is the way to go.

The internet is probably flooded with make-up, gaming, crafting, and other topics of interest by now. Hence, it’s important to find the unique twist that only you can offer to set your content apart from others and find the specific tribe that you appeal to.

Here’s a tip: get your kids involved! It’s always a good idea to incorporate some cuteness to your content and they can serve as a good luck charm for your channel.

6. Delivery

img source: thesplendidlifestyle.com

Finally, if most transactions are online right now, then that means that the demand for delivery is also soaring. This is rather fortunate for those who own vehicles whether that be a car, a motorcycle, or even just a bike (for hyperlocal deliveries).

You can also partner up with other stay-at-home parents and their businesses by offering to handle their shipping exclusively. And if you think you’re ready to make this into an actual business, you can take it a step further by acquiring the necessary permits in your state. For those who simply don’t have the time, there are LLC formation services that do all the paperwork for you. ZenBusiness is a popular one in the industry, and you can read an in-depth review about them on this page, just so you get a good grasp of what they offer.

Again, as mentioned in the previous tip, just don’t forget to practice safety protocols such as wearing personal protective equipment, social distancing, and constant disinfection. We also recommend exploring cashless or contactless transactions.

Finding Extra Streams of Income in the New Normal


Some experts suggest that the world might not return to its pre-pandemic state. That this transitionary period as we wait for the pandemic to die down is a glimpse of what they refer to as the “new normal”.

After all, the pandemics of the past have all marked significant turning points in our history. They helped establish borders, strengthen trade protocols, and more.

While we can always hope for things to go back to the way they were, it wouldn’t hurt to prepare an alternative course of action, especially with your responsibility as a parent.
