How to Build a Podcast Room on Any Budget?

Whether you have yet to start your own podcast or want to take an existing one to the next level, you need to have all the information. Only when you get a clear picture of the equipment you need can you get on with your business. So, the zero step is to know what you want in the long run.

For example, people for whom podcasting is more of a hobby than a source of income, do not invest much money. If for some reason you do not want to invest a lot of money, but you want to have excellent conditions for filming, read our article first. We have mentioned a few important things, as well as guidelines that will help you better build a podcast room for little money.

What is a podcast?


In order to be able to create a space that will meet all the requirements of your podcast, it is important that you fully understand the podcast. You will be able to create your podcast, animate your audience with great guests and useful content if you go through the structure of this term once again. We all listen to at least one podcast today and know what it is.

However, the definition of this format is the presentation of an audio file that is listened to and available on an online platform. Its structure consists of episodes, which viewers can return and watch whenever they want. There is also the possibility of subscribing to the channel. All you need to listen to the podcast is the internet while you need to record more than that.

What do I need to record a podcast?

For starters, come up with a name for the show. Names that are easy to pronounce and do not exist are recommended. Although it is difficult to come up with a name that does not exist today, focus on the topic of the show and do your best. We are sure you will come up with something creative and short. Take a little more time if necessary, because the name is the key thing to building a personal brand. The next item you need to think about is the space in which you will shoot.

Recording space


If you want to save money, you will probably not build a new room for this purpose. People who are beginners in the business mostly shoot in their house. It’s not a bad idea, but choose your room carefully if you have the opportunity. You should check how Poddster and other podcast professionals created their studios and implement ideas. For example, it is not desirable for your recording room to be close to traffic. Look for another place on the other side of the house, because the room next to the street is very noisy. Garages are also not a good place, because noise insulation is very bad.

When you find a suitable room, you can work a little more on its insulation. The room should contain as many soft surfaces as possible, because that affects the sound quality. Empty and rigid rooms create a great echo, as a result of which your show can suffer, and no one wants to watch a podcast with poor sound processing. So you can drive away potential guests.


The next thing you need is podcast equipment. Making a study can be very challenging. Either way, smartphones with great specs and an integrated microphone are enough for a narrative podcast. Such a device is enough just under the letter that the room in which you are shooting does not have much echo. However, if you want to go a step further than a solo podcast, then you need to take the quality of the recording more seriously. This means adding an external microphone, because in that case the quality of the recording is drastically improved.

Portable sound recorders are a great solution that you will always be able to use, in almost any situation. They have a headphone jack (monitoring), and you can also connect a microphone to them. Microphones with cheap stands will not tolerate too much movement and bending, which means that they will easily become consumables. However, if you are planning a fixed setup then cheaper racks will serve you. You can also save on cables, connectors and consumables. Higher requirements mean higher costs.



If you are considering buying a microphone, you need to know more about the differences between the models. Not all models have the same performance, and not all are of the same price range. You can opt for dynamic or condenser microphones. They dynamically provide better insulation, but lower sound quality.

They are more durable than capacitors, which will provide you with better quality, but poorer insulation. No matter which option you choose, keep one thing in mind. The more expensive the microphone you choose, the higher your accessory requirements. For example, you will have to include a microphone in the mixer, which means that you will make an additional investment that you may not need.



Of course, you need to have a computer. Our recommendation is the macOS operating system, but it all depends on the video moments you have in mind. A high end computer is not required for multimedia purposes. You can also find free software or best buy options.



When buying headphones, you can opt for wireless or wired. For example, if you plan to walk while recording, you will certainly not want to get stuck on wired headphones. In that case, you will buy wireless ones that are not that expensive, because there are a lot of models.



If you want a video, it will complicate things a bit, but there is a solution. Also, if you want to commercialize the thing in the future, video is a much simpler and better solution than just sound. In video format, you can put a logo on the wall, or a bottle branded on the table, or wear a branded T-shirt or cap, etc. Video doesn’t have to be serious and expensive, from multiple angles, with serious editing and effects. It can be a shot from a cheap action camera or phone, it is only important that the shot looks decent and tidy.


We’re sure it’s not easy to create a creative workspace like a home studio that we can make the most of for podcasting purposes. However, this job is much easier if you really love what you do. Of course, it helps if you have useful guidelines like the ones we mentioned in the text.

Bogdan Radicanin
Bogdan Radicanin

My name is Bogdan Radicanin, but everyone calls me Boba. I also work as a full-time musician. I approach both jobs with a lot of passion, and I believe that's what makes me successful.
