Writing an essay seems like a simple and easy task to do, but still, there are plenty of challenges the writer must resolve before they submit the piece to the teachers. Most of the time, essays are similar to academic writings, for education purposes. The approach is analytical and experimental, and the goal is to prove or deny a thesis, by running your own research.
Sometimes, people struggle to start an essay. For many, the introduction part can be the hardest step of the essay. According to wt1rer, you can start it with a quote to get inspired. In general, you should give a brief explanation of what’s the purpose of the essay, which methods you’ve used to research the topic, and also give your personal opinion on it.
The thing is to be as short as possible, but direct at the same time, so you can attract the readers and make sure they will proceed to read the piece. Writing a great intro paragraph isn’t as simple as copying and pasting from other sources. In fact, it requires some creativity and originality to get the desired effect. For example, you should start by summarizing the topic in short sentences.
Today we will focus on the introduction, which is something like TL: DR intro to your work. So, let’s see what it should contain:
Table of Contents
1. Be clear about what you’re writing about
Source: unsplash.com
If you have no idea how to start your essay, then you should first figure out what type of essay it is. You should know what kind of information you want to share to make sure your essay makes sense.
If you don’t have any idea about what to say in your paper’s intro, then just focus on the given topic. Before starting to write your essay, think hard about what you are going to say: what type of information do you want to share? What would be a perfect example of something related to the subject?
Once you’ve decided these things, you’ll be able to move on and write your paper. Make sure you understand the question and go back to the original ideas if they seem unclear.
2. Choose your points wisely
You should choose the central point of your essay first. When deciding what to write about, keep in mind that your goal is not always to talk about everything at once. Sometimes you may only have time to cover certain aspects of the topic. Just make sure you address each point clearly and concisely.
Does this really help writing an introduction? As we said, the first part of your essay or paper is about summarizing and explaining the topic in a few sentences. So, if you have the outline of the essay, it would be easier to sum up all the important things that will grab your teacher’s attention.
Many teachers give up on the essays because they don’t find the introduction good enough, giving you lower marks – which is what we absolutely want to avoid.
3. Write about the way you feel
Source: unsplash.com
There are two types of writers in the world: people who tell stories and those who live through them. If you’re feeling excited while thinking about your topic, chances are that you’ll find it easier to write. Try to think about what you really feel about the subject and how it affects you personally. Your emotions can help you connect with your audience and make it easier for them to relate.
Also, when you embrace your emotions, you can easily start writing. The whole process will be easier, not just the introduction.
4. Research the topic
If you have chosen your topic, you’ll probably want to learn more about it. If you’re unsure where to start. Luckily, today we have many resources available on the internet. Chances are you will find something similar, so you can get inspired on how to start writing.
We suggest writing down the best beginnings you will see through the process. At least, you can rewrite those sentences, and mix them up with a style. That will give you a unique piece of essay introduction, while you don’t struggle to get inspired without research.
Additionally, you can read books, watch documentaries, and talk with experts, to get a clear idea of what happened in history and how things work today. Make sure you understand everything you read before proceeding.
5. Give relevant examples
If you’re trying to convince readers of your point, then providing examples can help them grasp the concept. You need to provide real examples or use analogies to explain the issue. Using a few relevant examples can really bring your essay to life and give it context.
Many good writers scratch the surface of the topic by giving a short example in the introduction part and then focusing on it later in the essay. People love when they can relate to the content, so giving familiar examples is one of the best things you can do while writing essays.
Final words
If you don’t have any idea about what to say in your paper, then just focus on the topic! Before starting to write your essay, think hard about what you are going to say: what type of information do you want to share? What would be a perfect example of something related to the subject? Once you’ve decided these things, you’ll be able to move on and write your paper.
Essays usually cover broad topics, so you don’t necessarily need to limit yourself. You could write about anything from current events to family relationships. Just remember that you shouldn’t give your readers a short answer. Instead, you need to explain your point of view in detail and provide concrete reasons to back it up.
A nicely written introduction will help you accomplish all these things. There is no great essay with a brief, but a still rich introduction to the topic. So, pay attention to it, or even write a few versions. After you decide which one is the best, it would be easier to complete your paper on time.