Popular Tech Trends Related to Bitcoin – 2024 Guide

Technology has advanced a lot in the past two decades, bringing us some incredible things we use every day. One of these things is Bitcoin. The cryptocurrency has soared in its years on the market, wiping out every competitor that stood in its path. While Bitcoin and blockchain are pretty incredible pieces of tech on their own, they’ve had some help from other excellent tech advancements that have propelled them to success. If you’re wondering which popular tech trends are still giving Bitcoin an edge on the market, here are some of the best currently out there.

1. AI in Automated Trading

img source: insidebitcoins.com

The thing that Bitcoin is most famous for is its money-making potential. The cryptocurrency has been giving people a chance to profit big for over a decade now, but profiting through Bitcoin is much easier said than done. Currently, the most popular method to profit with Bitcoin is Bitcoin trading. The activity might seem simple for those with the right knowledge and experience, but in reality, it can a pretty daunting task that takes a lot of time, effort, and hard work.

Luckily a popular tech trend has swooped in to make the process of Bitcoin trading easier for newbies to the game – AI! By incorporating this versatile piece of tech into their software, automated trading apps can track the best opportunities currently available on the market and invest in them! You’ll find a top-notch example of this software if you go to bitcoin-profit.org. These apps make it easy for newbies to sit back and relax while the AI robots do all the work. The best thing about all of this though is that using the software doesn’t require any trading knowledge!

2. Live Streaming in Bitcoin Casinos

img source: netbet.org

Many Bitcoin users aren’t too familiar with the entertainment aspect that comes with Bitcoin. Cryptocurrency has been a big part of the online entertainment field, especially when it comes to online casinos! Players everywhere have been using their favorite cryptocurrency to have fun on these websites for years now, making Bitcoin a staple in the online gambling scene. Cryptocurrency like Bitcoin has become such a smash-hit with these operators that they’ve even launched dedicated Bitcoin casinos for crypto enthusiasts to enjoy additional benefits while playing classic games!

Naturally, a popular tech trend makes an appearance here as well. While the traditional digital versions of casino classics like Poker, Blackjack, and Roulette can be a great time, they’re not as immersive as most players would like. Luckily, casino game developers have found the perfect solution to this problem. By combining the charm of old-school table games with the modern capabilities of live streaming tech, Live Casinos have taken center stage. With live casino games, players can interact with dealers in real-time, bringing the casino experience to their homes.

3. AI in Bitcoin Shopping

img source: cloudfront.net

Thanks to Bitcoin’s recent expansion, the Bitcoin shopping trend has taken on a life of its own. Bitcoin enthusiasts finally have the opportunity to spend their Bitcoin savings in plenty of shops, and they’re taking full advantage of that! It’s easy to see why everyone’s so excited about this. From massive chains like Starbucks to small online boutique shops, it seems that everyone’s jumped abroad the Bitcoin hype train.

Arguably, online shops are seeing the most action. Massive online retailers like Etsy are now a hotspot for Bitcoin users looking to up their style game, and the AI algorithms are always there to help them make the right choice. The popular retailer is known for being a vintage dream, whether it’s fashion, furniture, or art! Of course, the choices here are nearly limitless, which is why the AI recommendations based on their previous browsing are a saving grace for Bitcoin shoppers!

4. Blockchain Solutions for Social Networking Problems

img source: computerrock.com

For a while now, social network platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter are rising, and there’s no stopping them anytime soon. But, what this means for some users, is that there’s a possibility that there could be data breaches. It’s not like it hasn’t happened before. This is where technology that is used on Bitcoin could step in. If social media platforms started using blockchain technology the privacy of their users would be elevated to a whole new level. Most of the data you place on Facebook for example is controlled by the company and its owner Mart Zuckerberg. The user itself has little control over what happens with their video, audio, and other content. Placing pictures and similar content online helped people connect regardless of their location in the world, but little has been done to ensure their privacy. This is why they’re vulnerable on these platforms if they face people with mall intent.

We’re not only talking about the end-users. The networks themselves found issues with hacker attacks and similar threats. Most social networks list privacy issues as their primary issue, and one that plagues their platforms. Let’s use WhatsApp as an example. While it is advertised as an app that offers end-to-end encryption, this is not always the case. Data breaches of all kinds could be prevented and almost utterly stopped if all of these platforms started using blockchain technology the same way BTC does. This should be a trend that spreads like wildfire to benefit all of us. A higher level of privacy and security could be achieved if only decentralized mechanism found their place in the opus of social networks.

5. Blockchain for all Streaming Content

img source: cordcuttersnews.com

These days we have seen the emergence of many streaming platforms that are taking the world like a storm. In 2024 we can expect this trend to continue as platforms such as Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and HBO GO are gaining more popularity than ever. They are already considering how to improve their services and make them more secure and accessible. Of course, one of the solutions that pop up is blockchain technology. They could not only improve these aspects of their business but as well the quality of streaming services. All they should do is turn their heads towards a piece of API of blockchain technology. If they do this, third parties would be able to write and read in the blockchain which will do wonders for the video, music, and social media products they are trying to place out in the world. You have seen how much Bitcoin has improved and evolved through the years, and it is running on this tech for the entirety of its existence.

Considering how much rise in value it achieved in recent months it is not hard to predict that the blockchain on which it is based in the future of many other branches of technology. A trend worth adopting.
