Tech Progressions Shaping The Prospects Of Mobile Gaming – 2024

Technology advancements and improvements have had a significant impact on the online gaming industry over the past few years, making it one of the most progressive sectors around. The global market size was valued at $54 billion in 2019, with predictions to reach $60 billion in 2024. The increased usage and production of smartphones have also played a significant part, with research showing that mobile devices accounted for around one-third of the gambling activity in Europe alone.
Even gaming operators that are considered as a part of a smaller niche market have fully optimized their games and services in the online space, with some of them developing standalone apps that players can download from the mobile cloud stores. All these factors will undoubtedly help to power the gambling industry growth, with experts saying that revenue could be around 12% higher over the next eight years.

Read on as we’ll take a closer look at how gaming assets will develop and evolve in the future.

Game whenever and wherever you like

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Online casino and betting platforms have massively benefited from the developments in mobile tech. As a result of advanced mobile technology, people can place bets at a time and place that suits their personal preferences. We can’t forget the rise of online slots that drastically changed the way these games are experienced among audiences. Their gameplay, design, themes and features are what distinguishes them from the familiar land-based game setup. For more details about the top-rated online slots, visit Slotswise to read more about different game providers, offers and unique features. In terms of the providers’ placements, leading bookmakers have worked very hard to build up an attractive mobile offering, with many developing apps for their sportsbooks. In addition to being able to place bets, many of the apps also allow players to live stream events anytime they like so they can follow the progress of their wagers in real-time.

Experience Augmented and Virtual Reality

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An increasing number of mobile apps and platforms incorporated AR features last year, and this trend is not going away. Platforms that use these features provide an incredible opportunity by enhancing the real-world environment with digital objects and improving user experience. This innovation sparked the public interest after the global success of games like Pokemon Go. If in the past, AR and VR technologies were used in marketing and gaming to impress managers and customers, this year they are used for practical purposes, aiming to make our everyday life and routine easier. Here, we’ll mention the navigation, user manuals, object measurement and recognition and e-learning systems.

Live Gaming and 5G

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In an age where real-time experiences and instant gratification is the name of the game across many forms of entertainment, it comes as no surprise to figure out that these traits fit perfectly into online casino gaming and betting. Many operators offer a wide range of live mobile games, allowing players to enjoy the same, or even more improved experience than the one in a land-based venue.

The implementation of the abovementioned advances would not be possible if there is no stable and fast mobile internet connectivity. Over three years ago, the world’s regulator of mobile communications approved the first specifications of 5G technology in Lisbon. From 2019 onwards, 5G will continue to expand globally and provide better communication features for billions of devices. It is expected that the 5G standard will offer faster connectivity, improved UI and promote the optimization of advanced technologies into mobile.

Multiplayer features

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Tech advancements have been consistently moving towards more prominent and profound social engagement, and the gaming industry is not left behind. Days, when gaming was reserved for the introverts, are long over. Today, gaming competitions represent great social events where like-minded people can interact while meeting in a virtual, futuristic setup.
To make a lasting impression and imprint in the hearts of the next generation of gamers, mobile developers will need to emphasize the social aspect even more. The youth of today is growing up with the accessibility of internet, instant messaging, social media and virtual platforms. Therefore, they will expect the same opportunities to come when it comes to gaming. Standalone achievements and competitions against you only won’t work anymore, as gamers will prefer real-time player vs player engagement.

Wearables and gesture control

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Gesture control technology gives gamers the option to control the action in games without touching the joystick or their smartphone. All that you need to do is to wear the right wearable such as a wristband, ring or watch. Once you activate your gesture control device, you can control the actions of characters in the game. Few gaming technologies allow gamers to interact with the device by just waving their hand or drawing a pattern. This is possible with the help of a 3D camera that tracks 22 different points on your hand and allows you to control the game. Computer scientists and game experts agree that ten years from now, you probably wouldn’t find a game that does not have a gesture control option.

As for wearables, they became popular after the launch of the Apple Watch in 2015. Companies initially considered wearables mostly for fitness and health purposes. However, they are now shifting their focus on the possibilities to use this technology in gaming too. Remember the Spy Kids sequels? Well, many of the fantasy smart gadgets they used became a reality such as the tracking and controlling wristband.

Future trends

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Mobile consumption speaks for itself and proves that technology continues to penetrate deeper into our lives. Features that represented just another complex touchpoint have come to the forefront, offering an alternative solution to an existing challenge. It is highly likely that Cloud Gaming and Blockchain apps will be just a part of what will come next for future technology in gaming. Easy and secure payment processes would probably be on top of the list, with some providers currently offering a limited range of mobile withdrawal methods. As mobile tech keeps moving forward, these options will indeed become much more widespread and accessible.
