Serbia: Starting Your Company in a New Center of Business Attraction

Why Serbia? A modest European country on the verge of accession to the EU has been gaining popularity as a place for relocation and starting a business in recent years. Here are just a few facts to give you an idea of the reasons why entrepreneurs flock here:

  • A pro-business environment friendly to foreigners
  • Economic and political stability
  • An abundance of skilled workforce
  • Excellent banking – in fact, we recommend Serbia as a high-quality banking haven!
  • No automatic bank information exchange – at least, not yet


Serbia is slowly but steadily gaining ground as a business hub, and we invite you to join the upward trend before it becomes a mainstream one.

This post is just a brief look at entrepreneurship opportunities in Serbia, and you can read a longer article on company formation in Serbia on our portal.

First of all, let’s sing an ode to the country’s banking as this is an important factor of a successful business. Money is the blood of business, as you know!

Serbia has discreetly taken over much of the international banking operations in the past few years because it is a place where non-residents can take advantage of the following:

  • Straightforward account registration procedure
  • No minimum deposit requirement
  • No CRS agreements signed, which means the absence of international information exchange
  • A possibility to get a multi-currency credit or debit card
  • Access to state-of-the-industry bank apps
  • Affordable bank fees


Serbian banks have a really appealing ratio of price and quality, and we highly recommend them for your business operations.

Let’s look at the basics of company formation in Serbia:

  • Foreign investors mostly choose to open an LLC (its local analog) in Serbia as the most convenient legal form
  • You can start a company with a share capital as low as 1 euro
  • A Serbian company can be established and fully owned by foreign individuals or legal entities without any restrictions
  • A company can be set up by one person, who should be a sole director in this case
  • A registered office in Serbia is a must, but you can have a virtual office for your convenience
  • The company can be registered in person (which requires your presence in the country for several days) or remotely (and our specialists can help you with this)

If you are planning to invest in the Serbian economy, we recommend that you think of Serbian residency: the banks are traditionally much more willing to serve residents as this status inevitably implies a higher level of trust.


You can follow the above link to see the list of documents you will need to submit for company registration in Serbia or find an expert from our team. We can help you get a fully operational company within 7 business days.

An alternative to starting a new company is the registration of a branch, and this is a good strategy for offshore company owners. Not all European (including Serbian) banks agree to open a corporate account for an offshore company while opening a branch in Serbia solves this problem.

Write to us to get answers to any questions you may have, and don’t miss your chance to join an upward wave at the very start.

Good luck with your business undertakings!

Radulovic Jovica
Radulovic Jovica

I started my career at following the completion of my studies in Agricultural Economics at the University of Belgrade. My fascination with this field arose from recognizing the pivotal role marketing plays in companies' business strategies.
