A Beginner’s Guide To Playing Online Baseball in 2024

When you start exploring the world of online baseball games, you will come across many names and their multiple variants. However, it would be best if you did not miss out on the ultimate baseball gaming experience in the process. MPL’s Baseball Blast is one of the best online baseball games that all baseball fans will undoubtedly enjoy. Whether you closely follow Major League Baseball or have a favorite team that you are rooting for, playing baseball games online is something that you can always get a kick out of. It is indeed a blessing to play a version of baseball within the comfort of your smartphones, and MPL brings that fun experience to you in the form of Baseball Star. As an excellent online baseball game, it delivers all the goods in style. What you can expect on the platform is a smooth, simple, and classic baseball game experience.

It is a free-to-download-and-play game with quickly understandable rules and mechanics. Played entirely from the batter’s point of view, Baseball Star is a fast-paced, point-based game that you will enjoy playing for hours on end. Since the game does not require you to play from the perspective of the pitcher, fielder, catcher, or baseman, you can conveniently ignore that aspect and focus only on being the best batter (or hitter). The pitcher positions himself at the far end of the field and pitches the ball for the batter to hit. Your goal is to hit the ball with the bat by dabbing on the game screen and scoring the maximum number of home runs.

Home runs add more points to the board, which will eventually help win the match. Striking a home run isn’t always easy, however. You have to patiently observe the arrival of the incoming ball and hit it at the appropriate moment, at the right angle, to fetch a home run each time. The accuracy of the shot swing varies depending on three factors. These include the pace of the pitch, the point where you dab the screen, and the swing timing.

You need to dab early to hit left and delay the dab to hit right for effective hits. It’s an in-game tactic that proves to be difficult at first (since the batting position changes), but you shall get better at it with practice. To add runs, make sure that you hit the ball within the acceptable range. If you happen to hit the ball onto any “-1” boards, your score will immediately lessen by one point. Aim for the boards that have home runs, but watch out for those with ones, twos, and threes. Most importantly, avoid three strikes as that immediately ends the game. The idea is to keep hitting the balls until the timer comes down to zero or the game awards you three strikes, whatever happens first.

Visit here to play baseball stars with online players.

Tips to Ace Baseball Star on MPL

The player’s objective in this exciting online baseball game is to score as many runs as possible. Much of the game involves carefully observing the pitcher’s throw, in addition to bunting the ball in the right direction. You have to hit the ball into the home run board as frequently as you can – the reason being that home runs add four points while the other boards add one, two, or three depending on where the ball lands. While that’s the gist of the game, there’s a lot more to playing Baseball Star. For anyone who wishes to become an ace online baseball player, especially with Baseball Star, the following tips will prove to be a handy guide of sorts:

1. Timing is everything in Baseball Star

Source: youtube.com

How you get better at Baseball Star depends on the improvements you make in timing your shots. Timing determines where each shot lands, along with the direction of the shot. Simply put, striking the ball at its exact moment of arrival will push it in a straight direction while an early or late bunt makes it go left or right, respectively.

2. Notice the positioning of boards before timing each shot

It’s all about points at the end of the day. So, you should try to consistently land the ball on HR (home run) boards, if not the next highest possible board. Since the positioning of the boards keeps changing, this will keep you on edge always. While some home run shots can be challenging to pull off, ensure that you at least hit a minimum of one so that a point gets added to the scoreboard.

3. Practice games can help with directional clarity

Source: mpl.us

While hitting straight is relatively easy in Baseball Star, hitting the ball in the desired direction takes both skill and practice. Do not shy away from playing practice games as a beginner. Even if the game is relatively easy, play a decent number of free games to understand the mechanics better, as you would not want to repeat the same mistakes over and over. When it comes to getting a grip on shot directions, practice games can prove to be helpful in the long run.

4. Keep an eye on the scoreboard

Your opponent’s score is also displayed on the upper section of the screen. Be clear on where you and your opponent stand and decide to take more risks accordingly. A glance now and then will help you stay ahead.

5. Strikes are not an option

Source: cdn.cnn.com

Three strikes and you’re out! Up to two strikes are allowable while playing. However, not only does a strike add zero points, but it also takes precious time away that your opponent can certainly use to get ahead of you.

6. Watch the tutorial video

The tutorial video available in the game’s launch menu is a storehouse of information on playing the game and winning. As clueless beginners, the tutorial video is bound to help in more ways than one. It will also help you enhance your batting skills and work against more skilled players. When it comes to cash games, it’s a call you have to make when you know you are ready.


Are you all set to play one of the most entertaining online baseball games? We bet you are excited. Play Baseball Star on the MPL Pro app right away!

Bogdan Radicanin
Bogdan Radicanin

My name is Bogdan Radicanin, but everyone calls me Boba. I also work as a full-time musician. I approach both jobs with a lot of passion, and I believe that's what makes me successful.
