How to Prepare for Life’s Unexpected Breakdowns

Life will always throw challenges your way, and sometimes things can seem like they’re not going to work out for the best. While not everything will go your way, they don’t have to in order for you to find peace. Breakdowns are inevitable, but there are certain things you can do to handle all the unexpected challenges you encounter.

Build a strong support network


Your friends and family will be your biggest source of support during hard times. No matter how prepared you are physically, you’ll be grateful for the emotional support. If you don’t already have a network of friends and family, start building stronger connections with the people in your life. You will appreciate having a reliable group of friends the next time life throws you a curveball.

Maintain a savings account for emergencies

Having an emergency fund is essential for everyone, especially if you have dependents or pets. For example, if something happens and you or someone in your family needs medical care that isn’t covered by your insurance policy, you’ll be relieved to have your savings.

Although, if someone else’s negligence causes you to become injured, you shouldn’t have to cover the expenses. In that case, hire a personal injury attorney and file a lawsuit against the party at fault. A skilled attorney can get you compensation that will cover your medical bills, lost wages, and potentially pain and suffering, depending on your situation.

Besides covering unexpected medical bills, there are other reasons to have a savings account. For example, your car might break down, or you might need to buy a new refrigerator for your home. There are countless material items that you might need to replace unexpectedly, and having a savings account will help.

Keep a good credit score


Having good credit can give you access to a personal loan if you get into a situation where you need money you don’t have. It’s not a good idea to take out a loan to pay another debt, but sometimes you may not have a choice.

Keep an emergency food and water stash

Whether it’s an earthquake that knocks out the power and water, a storm, or anything else, you can’t predict when you’ll need a stash of food and water because you can’t leave your home. It’s recommended that everyone have at least two weeks’ worth of food and water for everyone in their household, including pets.

When choosing what to stash, be aware of food safety basics. For example, while white rice is okay to seal, don’t seal brown rice in an oxygen-deprived environment because botulism can thrive in that environment. Also, consider stashing foods that don’t require much, if any, cooking. If the power is out, you won’t have a stove for cooking. You can use a rocket stove, but you probably don’t want to get stuck having to cook raw beans for 5 hours in a tiny pot just to get a meal.

Be willing to lose

In life, you will win and you will lose. Nobody can win at everything all the time. Be willing to take some hits and walk away from things that aren’t working in your favor. If you approach life with the attitude that everything should work out how you want, and it’s bad when it doesn’t, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment, depression, and possibly even anger.

Be okay with not getting every job, not winning every competition, and finding out that some friendships aren’t a good match. Be willing to lose sometimes and recognize that when you do, it’s just part of the game. And sometimes, things that appear bad turn out to be a blessing in disguise.

Train yourself not to stay down for too long

Last, when you develop a habit of getting up after being knocked down, nothing can keep you down for long. Not even the biggest disappointments or tragedies, like losing a loved one, will be able to keep you from living your life. Sure, you’re going to go through a grieving process, whether the loss is a job, a pet, a family member, or an opportunity. But instead of staying in a low place for a long period of time, you’ll be able to move forward with your life.

Use these tips to face any challenge head-on


Nobody is immune to being blindsided by life’s challenges, but with the right attitude and a little preparation in the physical world, you can handle anything that comes your way.

Darinka Aleksic
Darinka Aleksic

Darinka Aleksic, editor at, boasts 14 years of successful website management. Transitioning from traditional journalism to digital marketing, she now thrives in this dynamic field. Despite her demanding job, Darinka finds time to coach tennis, rejuvenated by working with children. An avid cook, she delights in hosting friends. Above all, she cherishes her role as a mother to two beautiful daughters
