How to Get a Job in IT: 5 Steps

Working in IT attracts with high salaries, dynamic projects, and the potential for relocation to anywhere in the world. How to get a job in an IT company?

Is work experience required for this? Specialists will answer these questions.

1. Choose a niche and then a programming language


Development has many directions. Someone wants to go to the Front-End, someone wants to go to Game Dev, Enterprise, Mobile or Back-End, and so on. How to choose the best and where to start?

Of course, what you like is better, but there are many specific indicators that you can rely on. Look on opened positions in your chosen niche, explore what is the threshold for entry and what are the prospects for growth. Check out job vacancies and salaries.

2. Find online courses

To obtain an actual demanded speciality, it is not necessary to receive a full-fledged second higher education or study at a college. It is enough to go to specialized courses developed by professional teachers. That allows you to master a large amount of practically useful information in a short time. IT courses are a great opportunity to master the desired profession in just a few months. While choosing courses, pay attention to:

  1. Time of education.
  2. Format and program of courses.
  3. Access to educational materials.
  4. Group size.
  5. Qualification of teachers.
  6. Homework and control over their execution.
  7. Employability after learning.
  8. Feedback about courses.

Finding good courses is not an easy task. Read all points carefully.

3. Education in IT courses


Online education, especially in the field of IT, is ahead of the traditional one in some aspects:

  • online courses are cheaper than university programs;
  • all materials are provided by the school;
  • the less theory – students get more practical tasks.

You can get different specialities in the courses – from a web programmer to a developer. The educational program is written in a simple and understandable language, the teacher controls each step and new level. Studying IT courses will make the world of information technology simple and understandable, broaden your horizons and help you to get your first job in IT.

4. Create a professional resume and prepare for an interview

To write a professional resume, follow these rules:

  1. Include all your contact details.
  2. Tell about yourself briefly (without giving personal information).
  3. Write about your education, work experience, achievements and results.
  4. Describe soft and hard skills in detail.
  5. Create a portfolio.
  6. Add a photo.

Check the resume to make sure that there are no errors.

Prepare for the interview carefully. Read the vacancy and information about the company in which you are going to get a job. Prepare answers to the most frequently asked questions.

5. Be ready to answer technical questions


A technical interview is an important stage of the interview in an IT company. The purpose of this stage is to find out the competencies of the applicant. As part of a technical interview, you need to be ready to answer theoretical questions and solve practical problems.

One of the mistakes is expecting to write code and preparing only for that. Practical tasks can be very different: from writing a piece of code to finding errors in an already finished one. The theoretical questions also may be different. Many of them may not be useful at all. Their goal is to assess the horizons and the depth of knowledge.

Be prepared for any basic theory question – software architecture, programming principles, languages. To understand where your gaps are, look on the Internet for examples of questions and tasks that various IT companies give in interviews.

Proper training will help you to get a job of your dream as soon as possible.

Radulovic Jovica
Radulovic Jovica

I started my career at following the completion of my studies in Agricultural Economics at the University of Belgrade. My fascination with this field arose from recognizing the pivotal role marketing plays in companies' business strategies.
