The Ultimate Guide to Construction Timecard Reports

Tracking workers on the construction site is essential. It helps to conclude whether workers are spending their time effectively. Tracking workers include many responsibilities such as monitoring their activities, time, attendance, and more. How can an employer track all of these activities together? This is where timecard reports come into play.

In this guide, we discuss the importance of timecard information and how it can help you improve worker productivity and efficiency. Let’s get into it.



With the help of timecard reports, you can document the employees’ working hours, including overtime, PTOs, and regular time. Timecard reports also display detailed information about employees, including their names, roles, departments, locations, and more.

Lastly, it includes comprehensive information about the construction project. Timecard reports help improve communication with stakeholders since it stores updated information, including recent changes. Even if a contractor raises a dispute related to the project once everything is finalized, an employer can show these reports as evidence of their case.

To acquire accurate data, firms can implement technological solutions. SmartBarrel is one of the best solutions trusted by construction businesses to prepare construction reports.

Why are construction timecard reports important?


Construction timecard reports serve a practical purpose since it helps the employer track worker hours to determine their pay. But, this is not the only reason why these reports are useful.

Let us list some reasons timecards are a critical element in construction firms.

1. To retain workers

When employers pay the employees constantly on time and accurately, it boosts the trust level of employees that the firm values them. As a result, the retention level of highly efficient workers increases.

2. For better estimations in future projects

The employer can also utilize timecard data to plan ahead. The data includes time and money spent on project landmarks which helps to estimate the budget and schedule for the next project. As a result, the firm can conduct better financial planning and facilitate greater financial returns.

3. To help with productivity

Timecard reports include cost data that can lead the firm to remarkable benefits. These reports organize hours by cost codes, providing more detailed visibility into workers’ efficiency.

3 common problems with timecards


Timecards provide value to the construction firm; however, firms can also experience problems when implementing timecard reports. For example:

1. Manual entry errors

When a firm uses paper timecards, it requires the payroll system to transmit all data from reports to the computer database manually. This process is quite tedious and can lead to errors that require a significant amount of time to rectify. Besides this, reviewing reports to detect errors can further add to consuming time and effort.

2. Chasing after paperwork

Generally, timecards are paper sheets that employers provide to each employee in order to record their working hours. Employees have to get their sheets from the office and return them, once completed, to the construction site for review. This constant “come and go” from the office to the construction site to collect and submit sheets is inefficient and disorganized.

3. Inaccurate payments

Since workers’ responsibility is to note down their working hours, consider they accidentally or deliberately note extra hours? Hastily paying the workers can lead to overpaying—damaging the firm’s budget. On the other hand, underpaying workers is another issue with more immediate downsides since hard-working employees are quick with turnovers.

How to make timecards more effective


1. Remove manual entry process

Move towards digital timecard reports since it will eliminate the need for copying data over to a computer every time. Paper timecard reports can create a real mess in the office and end up getting misplaced, destroyed, or lost. Automated reports save time while reducing the margin of errors.

Using timecard solutions enables automation in tracking procedures and filling out timecard reports quickly. Automated reports can take your hands off manual calculations.

2. Field-based data collection

Employers can use timecard reports to improve communication between the office and site workers. Implementing site-based technology, such as SMS, will make it convenient for the site crew to enter data and send it to the office for manager review. The data can be quickly entered on a tablet or phone and sent almost instantaneously.

3. Add it to the annual review process

Construction businesses depend upon accurate time tracking. Therefore, it is vital for employees to complete timesheets on time. To keep the system organized, add these reports as a critical component of workers’ annual reviews. Here are some important questions employers should ask when evaluating employees’ performances:

  • How well did they utilize the timecard reports?
  • How many workers stick to the scheduled estimates?
  • What was the average on-time reporting?

The data employers receive from timecard reports can describe the performance and progress of each worker and the team as a whole.

4. Simplify the time tracking process

If employees are having issues with filling out timecard reports, then the firm’s time tracking system is likely too complicated. It is time to simplify the tracking procedure. In addition, ensure that employees understand how to generate timecard reports and delineate what you expect from them.

It is crucial to document hours in timecard reports and fill in the sheets regularly. Once the workers know the basics of time tracking and reporting procedure, it will be convenient to implement them practically.

Bottom line

Timecard reports lead the construction firm to success by maximizing the productivity and efficiency of firms. Moreover, it helps analyze data since construction projects are mainly mobile.

Radulovic Jovica
Radulovic Jovica

I started my career at following the completion of my studies in Agricultural Economics at the University of Belgrade. My fascination with this field arose from recognizing the pivotal role marketing plays in companies' business strategies.
