On almost an everyday basis, we can hear or read about cryptocurrency, and it is quite tough to stay ignorant of all that. Even if you are not fond of everything going on in this market, you can’t say that investing in it didn’t cross your mind. This field, although still new, has one of the greatest growing potentials. Today, when so many people are mining, trading, and dealing with digital currency, it is something that we all think about, want to invest in, and want to earn money. But as for everything in life, for being able to do so, some proper research with information that is going to be helpful is always a must, and we can apply the same here.
The current market is perhaps unstable, but BTC is at a new high, and the amount of around 42,000 dollars for one Bitcoin sure sounds tempting. Even after the correction, similar to the one that occurred in 2017, and a drop of about 20%, the price is still going up and now is at 37,541 dollars. And the same is with most other cryptos. All this is nothing new if you follow this crypto world, as almost every expert said that we should expect something like this in 2024 and in many years to come. Knowing this and looking at these facts, it’s no wonder why so many people are interested and want to invest in cryptocurrencies.
Since technology is constantly advancing and developing, it’s always good to stay informed and follow modern trends, and that is the reason why we will now discuss where and how to start. For those who have already begun with their cryptocurrency journey but haven’t got the time or didn’t know what book to read, we will select the top five books that everyone with a desire to invest in cryptos should read.
Table of Contents
1. Digital Gold (Nathaniel Popper)
Although the name may confuse you, this book is actually pretty great for beginners as it is very readable, with some great hints too. It explains Bitcoin in the best possible way that even those who didn’t know anything about cryptocurrency will easily understand it. The sole focus of the book is on telling the story of the first crypto through the eyes of those who were the most responsible for all that, including the creator. This book nominated for the 2015 Financial Times and McKinsey business book of the year award will sure make you read it in one breath, and almost everyone recommends it, even if you are not a newbie. It is a truly great way to see and understand how Bitcoin changed the world as we know it.
2. Mastering Bitcoin (Andreas M. Antonopoulos)
In 2014, a book from Andreas Antonopoulos was something that everyone talked about, and those who had the chance to listen to Andreas talking about blockchain and cryptos overall expected this book with high hopes – and they were not disappointed, to say the least. Although Mastering Bitcoin may primarily be for the developers, as it explains everything behind the blockchain, and the influence of digital money on economics, even if you are not familiar with all that, there are still a couple of chapters (in the very beginning) that will benefit you. It is one of the best books about blockchain, and the technology behind it, along with all the things one may need in order to trade with it (wallets, keys, the network, etc.). After you finish this one, there is also an updated version that came out in 2017.
3. Cryptoassets (Chris Burniske and Jack Tatar)
This one reached the book stores in 2017, and since that moment, it is must-read material for many, as it not only explains the digital currencies but also brings a new and detailed perspective on the overall monetary history – something that most new investors didn’t know about, but could be helpful. Although the book contains a lot of info, it is written in a way so that everyone can read it without any difficulty, and it is a good starting point as one will get all the necessary info. It is an excellent way to get insight on everything involving trading, mining, and how the stock market works, along with blockchain itself.
4. The Book of Satoshi (Phil Champagne)
If you ever wonder who precisely is responsible for the first crypto and what was going on prior to its launch, then this book by Phil Champagne will be of great help. Satoshi Nakamoto is the name, or at least the only name we know, of the creator of BTC, but in this book, Champagne research whether it is actually one person or perhaps a group of people, along with dealing with all the things Satoshi Nakamoto wrote in his two years of “public life.” The book deals with this topic in an interesting and intriguing way that will make you craving for more, and also includes the details and explain main cryptocurrency topics, which makes it one of a kind reading experience.
5. Bitcoin: The Future of Money? (Dominic Frisby)
If you are new to cryptocurrency, this book may be the best one to start with since Dominic Frisby wrote it in an easy-to-read style with a lot of information. It is a mix of interviews of the most eminent people and those responsible for BTC development, and explaining the influence of Bitcoin and other digital currencies on finance and economics. The author also tried to share a light and solve the mystery called Satoshi Nakamoto. A great way to get introduced to the crypto world, get to know how it all started, and have some fun while at it.
Summing up
It’s always good to know where to start, and reading at least one of the five books mentioned above will make it much easier to understand how it all works. Luckily, there are also some great websites, like marketingdonut.co.uk, where one can get the best possible information on what is needed and how to start investing in cryptocurrencies.