Android Phone Users vs. iPhone Users – 2024 Guide

Smartphones have taken over our lives as we cannot work without them; we cannot have fun without them. Apple and Android phone wars have been common knowledge these days. Each brand wishes to overcome the other with newer and better technologies. However, in between all this competition, a question arises:

Is there a difference in android and iPhone users’ behavior?


There definitely is. They are imprinted by the brand they use. Let’s explore everything about android and iPhone user behavior, and we will let you decide which one is better. An infographic available on this link also explains the different behaviours of iPhone and Android user behaviours .

Hop on! Let’s start with a bit of background.

Smart Phones a class division?

Studies indicate that smartphone brand choices reflect our personalities, likes, dislikes, and even motivations. You can do a personality analysis of a person just by looking at their choice of phone. Crazy, isn’t it?

Android phones have a larger market share, approximately 64% of the entire smartphone devices. Naturally, this makes the android users more in number, but why is this the case? Androids are more popular due to the following reasons:

  • Low price entry range
  • Better for developing countries and lower-income regions

So android users belong to multiple classes of society, and one may say it’s a phone for all. However, when it comes to profits, Apple takes up a more significant international chunk of profits as iOS users are much more active than android users to roll with technology as each model changes.
Let’s begin by covering some basics of the mobile operating system market.

This also depicts that Apple users are a glorified elite, and very few users belong to lower classes of the society, unlike Android, which has users at all income levels.

Functions impact behaviors


It is no secret that the iPhone offers much more diverse and better functions than android. This is aimed at creating the most convenient user experience to keep them hooked to the brand. Due to its efficiency, it has been noted that Apple users are much more loyal to the brand than android users.

Moreover, Apple has a regular pattern of managing user experience through consistency of updates in the operating system. Contrary to it, Androids are liquified to many companies such as Samsung, HTC, LG, and many more, each with their own customizable system.

So taking this into account, if we judge user experience, Apple users don’t want constant shifts in the system and are happy as it works in a systematic way. Android users, however, need the liberty to change and customize their experience as they will.

It will not be wrong to declare that when it comes to user behavior, Android users are more likely to adapt to change than iPhone users.

1. Age, Gender, Income


As mentioned previously, android has almost two-thirds of the total market share of smartphones, i.e., 64%. This is mainly because they cater to people coming from multiple backgrounds, income levels, and classes due to lower price brackets than iPhone users.

Comparatively, iPhone users make up the upper class, high income generating population, conveniently from developed countries. A study reveals that not only is android more famous among lower-income, developing-nation-population but are bought more by women than men. This is because women seldom have equal income opportunities than men.

The same study revealed that people over the age of 65 are also less likely to buy an iPhone for its rigid and pricey experience. These reflect how differently these brands work in various parts of the world and keep in mind the factors impacting their business to improve accordingly.

2. Introvert or Extrovert?


A recent study revealed that iPhone users have more extroverted personalities than android users. Moreover, it showed that iPhone users prefer honesty more than their Android counterparts.

The personality factor is not only concerned with extrovert or introvert behavior. Android users tend to save more money than iPhone users. The reason behind this may be a change of demographics (android users belonging to developing nations more) or the income factor that we discussed above. They are followers, more unlike their counterparts who intend to lead.

Such studies, however, cannot be trusted fully as human behavior is always unpredictable, and without a huge sample, the findings of a survey are redundant. However, these features in the conduct of a user are worth noting.

3. Approaching Technology


Multiple polls have been conducted in recent years to find out how different people approach technology differently. Their findings show that Apple users can adopt early on, and they likely used the internet in the 90s before it was widespread.

They are not only loyal to the iPhone, but all Apple products as Mac was the first to be out in the market.

On the other hand, it is evident that android users adopted late and had been in connection with the internet for far less time than Apple users. They require a ready-made device, preferably the one which looks the best. Working doesn’t matter to them as much as it does to apple users.

4. Notification Reaction


As surprising as it may sound, there is a tremendous difference between reacting to notifications in android and apple users. While the former open push notifications about 3.5% of the time, the latter is less than 2% to be bothered by such things.

The reason behind this is linked to the way notifications are presented. For android, user notifications linger on the screen till you open them. This means they click them only o get rid of them. Apple users have the option of completely ignoring them as they disappear after you unlock the screen the first time.

Bottom line

There is a discrepancy of behavior between android and apple users that is linked to their smartphones. At the same time, smartphones shape the personality of a person, the brand to exhibit the pre-existing traits of a user. Who do you think has a better character, android or apple user?
