Any stellar writing entails effectively communicating your ideas and leaving a lasting impression. At the same time, you must follow the stipulated writing styles for the different essay types. These rules determine how to present your ideas and communicate the intended message appropriately. Today, we shall tackle the general dos and don’ts of writing your college essay conclusion.
Table of Contents
What Is a Good Essay Conclusion?
Before exploring what goes into an essay’s last paragraph, it is essential to touch base on the final section’s relevance to the rest of the writing. Expert writers at established writing firms like EssayUSA suggest that the conclusion serves as the essay’s final paragraph. Its role is to provide the final impression and closure of the reader’s needs. It should also jog the reader’s mind to research the topic more.
Do’s and Don’ts of Writing Your College Essay Conclusion
Simple as it might sound, most learners find it challenging to write the final paragraph. Therefore, it is prudent to highlight the dos and don’ts of writing the conclusion paragraph.
The final paragraph should include these sections:
1. An Introductory Statement
This section prompts the reader that you are winding up on the essay. It should also circle the reader back to the thesis statement. We recommend rewriting the thesis statement presented in the introductory part.
2. A Summary of the Arguments
Give your audience a quick overview of the central arguments presented in your piece and your stance. This makes it easier for your audience to relate to the central topic based on the arguments provided. Also, tackle any counterargument that might arise.
3. The Conclusion Statement
The final piece of the last paragraph should be thought-provoking. It should prompt the reader to draw a connection between the introduction and how well you have explained the issues mentioned in the section.
Do`s of Writing a College Essay
If you are still deciding what to include in your writing’s final paragraph, the pointers in this list of the dos give a more straightforward guide on navigating this section. They highlight how to make an outstanding conclusion while sticking to the required writing styles.
1. Returning to the Beginning
Highly scoring essays end by linking the essay’s title to the points made in the body paragraph. This strategy is also called the full-circle or sandwich style. It entails creating an image in the writer’s mind in the introductory paragraph, slightly veering off from it in the body, and circling back to it in the conclusion.
This style expresses your creativity and ability to capture the reader’s mind throughout the writing. For instance, introduce an anecdote during the introductory paragraph and return to it in the conclusion.
2. A Call to Action
A simple CTA emphasizes your audience’s need for a specific action or mindset based on the arguments presented in your piece. It is essential for leaving a lasting impression on your readers. Ensure it resonates with them.
3. Emphasize Your Main Point
Sometimes, using the conclusion paragraph as the opportune moment to highlight your main point is a smart move. However, this strategy is only possible or works best for specific essays. For instance, if the purpose of your essay is to recount various experiences, it makes perfect sense to highlight your main point in the conclusion. If mastered correctly, it is a memorable structure that stands out and steers the reader away from the cliché structures everyone uses.
4. Anticipate the Future
Many top-scoring essays conclude by creating an anticipatory mood in the reader. This is common in essays covering current issues or connecting the writer to their academic goals.
Even though these endings are common, it is essential to note that sometimes they are cliché and very obvious. Moreover, it is paramount to factor in that tutors read essays nearly daily. Therefore, the hack to scoring high ensures your essay’s conclusion stands out and has no generalities.
5. Clincher
In essays, this is the final sentence. It echoes the writer’s thoughts and stand on the topic. In simpler terms, picture a hook of the essay with a level of completeness that provides closure.
Don’ts of Writing Your College Essay Conclusion
Establishing the dos also prompts exploring what you should not include in your writing’s final paragraph. They are:
1. Introducing New Arguments
As any tutor would advise, the most significant step of essay writing is researching and establishing what your essay will cover. While doing so, you will develop several points that contribute to the topic. You must establish what points you will include in your paper.
While you might want to express how conversant you are with the topic, remember that the final paragraph expresses that you are wrapping up your writing. Therefore, introducing a new idea or point takes away from the weight of the final section and how much faith you have in the arguments presented in the writing’s body paragraphs.
2. Cliché Introductory Sentences
As highlighted, the more unique your work is, the higher you will likely score. One way of making your essay stand out is by avoiding cliché introductory statements.
3. A Lengthy Conclusion Paragraph
As highlighted, the conclusion paragraph serves specific purposes. Therefore, it is essential to consider this when curating the conclusion. It is also important to limit yourself to a particular number of words when writing this section. Its length depends on the stipulated length of the paper in the instructions section.
A lengthy conclusion paragraph puts you at the risk of messing up how you will end your paper. Conciseness ensures you remain on track and only include the necessary details. A case in point is utilizing this section to highlight the relationship between the topic, the thesis statement, and the arguments mentioned in the body paragraph.
Final Thoughts
This guide on the dos and don’ts of writing your college essay takes you through what you should or should not do when writing this section. It also highlights the mistakes you should avoid when concluding your essay, increasing your chances of being a stellar writer.