X Secret Tips & Tricks That Give You An Edge in WoW Shadowlands – 2024 Guide

When playing WoW Shadowlands, you need to focus on so many things, and that’s why it’s better for you to create a list, so you can maximize your overall performance. This to-do list should be your greatest “secret” when working on the new strategy. Since it’s a pretty new game, you need to learn a lot about the characters and other concepts, choose the first character smartly, and plan their progress carefully. The popular gaming forums can help you with this one, since experienced players can arrange these lists for you, and you can see a great example of how things are working, and adapting to them.

If you’ve played the classic WoW, you have to know that the same tips are working to Shadowlands too, and they are giving you an edge during the game.

Also, there are many differences too, so you need to always keep in mind that even though it’s a new chapter of the popular game, it’s still unique because of the concept and new approach. But it doesn’t mean you can’t become a pro, especially if you practice it regularly, and you dedicate enough time and effort to be the best in it.

So, let’s see some of the most useful tips that will help you be a great WoW Shadowlands player. These are some of the tips the experts can tell you:

1. The side areas are very important

All the gamers know that the side quests can be boring and demanding, but the reward is worth it. If you don’t risk, you won’t get anything good. The quests are usually limited with time and resources, but that’s why the rewards are pretty beneficial for the overall game performance. For example, you can get into the war mode and risk a lot, or you can wait for the side quests, and enhance your overall performance. The choice is yours. Every level comes with some side areas, and as you pass some of them, you are building a reputation too, and you get exceptional rewards that can improve your performance at the regular levels.

2. Endgame quests are important too

Source: eurogamer.net

After you pass level 60, you can access the endgame quests, unlock important items and areas, and compete with the other players that are the same level as you. As you make a progress, you are unlocking new content and get new skills and weapons for your character. The experienced players say that things get more interesting after that popular level 60, and as you pass it, you have to be more careful when adopting new strategies.

3. Don’t get stressed out and don’t lead yourself to burnout

Quests and additions to the regular version are great to train your skills and get great rewards for that. But, how to know if you are doing that enough often? Sometimes, people are dedicating too much attention to the side areas and forget about the importance of the regular levels. Surely ranks are important, but they aren’t crucial for you to be a great player though. It’s good to be focused on something, but don’t obsess with farming the experience in a few weeks only. Keep in mind that these games often offer interesting upgrades, and you don’t want to spend all your skills on the basic version. Set up your priorities, and make sure you are doing everything you can to become even better at what you are doing.

4. Choose your fight and work on it

There will always be expansions, and as you are leveling up, you won’t have time to lose on some basic quests, that will only spend your resources, without giving something exceptional back. Pick something that is worth completing at the particular moment, without getting back to the missed quests. As soon as you complete some mission, move on and don’t get back to it. You did the best you can and won’t do anything better if you try it all over and over again.

5. Use your previous knowledge to be good at this game

Shadowlands is based on the original version of Wow, and there isn’t something very new to learn about. You know the concept, and you know what’s your goal. Even though it looks new to you, it’s only a new chapter of the already known game. You can even choose a mentor to help you go through this, or master the game by yourself. You already have the knowledge and all the needed information available on Google – it’s on you to use all of them properly too.

6. Boost the whole experience with some money

Source: dotesports.com

You know that it’s allowed to buy boosters, so you can accomplish the levels faster. If you visit lfcarry.com, you will see that you have a lot of offers available, and you can get out of every situation you are stuck in. So when you don’t know what else to do, just call for help – it’s really worth the money, especially the joy after you complete a difficult level and get the rewards for it.

What else do I need to know about WoW: Shadowlands?

If you know everything about World of Warcraft and its spinoffs, then Shadowlands won’t be a new concept for you. The new thing is that some levels are reduced, but you also have new options for growth and expansion. It’s a direct chapter that comes after the Battle of Azeroth, but you have new quests to accomplish to dominate the area.

Every game requires practicing, and WoW and its spinoffs are not an exception. You can do everything you can, that is legal, to make bigger or smaller progress. Make sure your internet connection is stable all the time, and that your computer or console supports the newer versions of your favorite game. Shadowlands isn’t something you need to start learning from the first lessons. Just balance between your current knowledge and the new skills you get, and you will accomplish exceptional results too.
