Washing machines changed our lives for the better, so now living without one seems pretty rough. But, they are here to stay, and so are their next, upgraded versions. Today we’re going to talk about portable washers and dryers, what they are, how they work, and most importantly, why you should consider purchasing one.
If you’ve ever been in a situation when you had to experience how it’s like to wash dozens of clothes by hand, you probably know what we’re talking about. By the time you’re done cleaning all of them, another tour will require washing.
Thanks to some brilliant inventors, in 2024 we have portable washers and dryers. They can be taken anywhere you want, especially at camping locations where you can’t bring a full-sized one. This allows you to constantly have fresh and clean clothes to wear, and it’s a wonderful thing.
But, because there are so many models out there on the market, choosing the right one isn’t easy. How exactly can you know which model is worth your money until you try it?
Well, you learn the best from your own mistakes, but this is not the cheapest investment that you can make, so there’s not much room allowed for errors. Thankfully, we’re here to help you out, so let’s take a look at what you should consider purchasing in 2024.
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1. Top-Model – GE Appliances Portable – $799
img source: bigcommerce.com
Not the most affordable model, but it sure does the best job out of all the others. It costs much but it is top-quality, just like everything else that GE Appliances makes. If you’re willing to learn more about these machines before purchasing anything, which is a great idea, you can take a look at washingmachins.com. It’s a website that has tons of useful information about cleaners and dryers.
If you don’t have enough money for this particular model, you can take a look at the rest of the items on our list. If you can afford this one, that’s great, because it does everything that you need, including drying. Capacity is two point eight cubic feet, meaning that you can fit a lot of things in it before it gets full.
2. Most for your money – INSIGNIA portable – $420
img source: cloudinary.com
A model that’s slightly less expensive, but it’s considered to be the choice for this price range. It costs around four hundred dollars depending on your living location. It’s large enough for you to wash a lot of clothes at once, or wash things such as beddings and towels that take up a lot of space.
Out of the extra options, it has extra rinse and a “quick-wash” mode that allows you to clean something up in a very short time when you need it the most. You don’t have to wait for hours anymore, because the insignia portable is lightning fast. For the price, it has a quite nice design, so you can fit it in your modern bathroom look without compromising the aesthetics.
3. Economic and quality – AVANTI Portable – $590
img source: ostkcdn.com
At around six hundred dollars, you can get the AVANTI Portable, a model that allows you to wash very often, but without spending tons of energy. If you’re looking to drastically reduce your utility bills, this is the right model for you. It’s so energy-efficient and that’s the reason why people buy it so much in 2024. It comes with a lot of modern features, such as setting the timer for the washing cycle start.
You can delay it up to 48 hours if you’re ever required to do so. It also has a quick-wash mode that you can use when you need something cleaned in less than fifteen minutes. All in all, it’s a great device, and its capacity size is about two cubic feet.
4. Modern and equipped – WHIRLPOOL – $920
img source: static.com
A very expensive model that delivers equally as much as the price suggests. If you have the budget to pick this one, go for it, because it’s the last washing machine you’ll ever need. The warranty is great, the capacity is large and most importantly, it comes with all the important features that a person would ever need. Just take a look at the things that this device can do.
Switching the temperature of the water with five pre-determined modes. Rinsing and spin-only options are available. You can modify the cycles whenever you want, and a lot more. It doesn’t contain as much as the previous model, which was 2 cubic feet, and this one is only 1, but it’s still quite a lot.
5. Cheapest Model – Black & Decker Portable – $310
img source: dontwasteyourmoney.com
This model is cheap, effective, and does everything that it should do. It will wash your clothes, spin them for a dry and finish the entire process is a quite short time. If you urgently need a portable washing + drying machine, but you don’t have a lot of money for it, this is the best choice that you can make.
There are some rumors that this particular model has been discontinued, but we’re not sure whether that’s true or not. However, you can still find a lot of these in your local tech-stores, so grab one before they’re gone. Black & Decker sure did a great job with this one.
If you live in a larger house, having an entire dedicated space just for washing your clothes is a pretty amazing thing. You can fit multiple machines in there and get everything done in just one “run”. However, if you’re often on the road, or you have a house somewhere in the wilderness where you travel to for weekends, utilizing those machines back at home is impossible. You’ll need something smaller, and this is why we recommend Portable Washers and Dryers.
Our guide focuses on listing some of the best models that you can get without completely breaking your economy. We hope that our list was useful and you’ll end up making the right decision. Once you realize how convenient these are, you’ll never want to stop using them.