How Much Does Managed IT Services Cost? It Depends

The cost of managed IT services is determined by the size and scope of the company and the company’s specific needs. In terms of pricing, however, some general trends can be observed.

Small businesses, on average, pay less for managed IT services than larger companies. This is since small companies’ IT infrastructure is less complex and thus requires less support. Furthermore, small businesses frequently have fewer IT staff, lowering the cost of managed IT services.

On the other hand, large businesses frequently require more comprehensive and specialized services. The cost of managed IT services may rise as a result of this. Because large companies typically have more IT staff, the cost of managed IT services is spread out over a more significant number of people. Continue reading for more insights on how much is needed to manage IT services cost?

The Cost of Managed IT: Pricing Factors to Consider


When pricing managed IT services, there are a few key factors to consider a discussed below:

1. The Number of Users: The number of users also affects the price of managed IT services. Generally, the more users a company has, the more it will cost to assist. More users mean more devices that need to be monitored and managed.

2. The Number of Servers: The number of servers a company has also affected the price of managed IT services. Servers require more extensive monitoring and management than individual devices, so the more servers a company has, the higher the cost of managed IT services.

3. Service Time Required The first factor to consider is the amount of time required for service. Managed IT services generally require a monthly or annual commitment, and the time required will depend on the scope of services needed. For example, if a business needs help setting up and managing its email server, that will take less time than if it needs assistance with developing a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy.

4. Amount of Data: The amount of data a company has also played a role in pricing. Data requires storage and backup, which can add to the cost of managed IT services. Additionally, businesses with large amounts of data may require more extensive security measures, which can also cost.

5. Evolving needs: Finally, it’s essential to consider the evolving needs of the business. As a company grows and changes, its IT needs will likely change. Managed IT service providers should be able to scale their services to meet the changing needs of their clients.

6. How Managed It Service Pricing Works: There are a few fundamental concepts that can assist a company in comprehending how pricing works. These are some of them:

7. Per-User Pricing: This type of pricing is standard for managed IT service providers who offer à la carte services. With per-user pricing, businesses pay for each user that they have. It can be a good option for companies with few users or who only need occasional support.

8. Per Device Pricing: This type of pricing is standard for managed IT service providers who offer à la carte services. With per-device pricing, businesses pay for each device that they have. It can be a good option for companies with a small number of devices or who only need occasional support.

9. Flat Rate Pricing: It’s the most common type of pricing for managed IT services. Businesses pay a fixed monthly or annual fee for service with this method. This fee covers all of the IT needs of the company, including support, monitoring, and management.

10. Variable Rate Pricing: Businesses pay a variable rate based on their actual usage with variable-rate pricing. This can be beneficial for companies with fluctuating IT needs or who only require occasional support.

11. à la carte Pricing: With à la carte pricing, businesses can choose which services they need and only pay for them. This can be a good option for companies with specific needs that don’t require a full-service agreement.

Comparison Between Managed IT and Inhouse Managed Services


The big decision companies have to make is if they should bring in an in-house IT manager or outsource to a managed IT service provider.  For more details, check

Here are a few things to consider when making this decision:

1.Size of company- In general, it is easier for larger companies to have an in-house IT manager. This is because more resources are available, and the company can afford to have someone dedicated to managing their IT needs.

2.The complexity of the company’s IT environment- Another factor to consider is the complexity of the company’s IT environment. If the company has a lot of devices or specific needs, it may be better off outsourcing to a managed IT service provider.

3.Availability of in-house IT staff- Another thing to consider is the availability of in-house IT staff. If the company does not have the resources to hire an IT manager, outsourcing may be a better option.

4.Budget- Finally, companies need to consider their budget when making this decision. Managed IT services can be expensive, but they may be worth the cost for businesses that need reliable and consistent support.

Distinct Advantages and Disadvantages of In-House and Managed IT Service

There are distinct advantages and disadvantages to both in-house and managed IT services. Here are a few of them:

In-house IT



1.Companies have complete control over their IT environment.

2.In-house IT staff can be more responsive to company needs.

3.Companies can tailor their IT environment to their specific needs.

4.In-house IT departments can be less expensive than managed IT service providers.


1.Companies need to have the resources to hire and maintain an in-house IT department.

2.In-house IT departments can be less responsive to changes in technology.

3.Companies may not have the expertise to handle all of their IT needs.

Managed IT services



1.Managed IT service providers have a lot of experience and expertise in managing IT environments.

2.Managed IT service providers are responsive to changes in technology.

3.Managed IT service providers are often less expensive than in-house IT departments.


1.Businesses lose control over their IT environment when they outsource to a managed IT service provider.

2.Managed IT service providers may not be as responsive to company needs as in-house IT staff.

3.Companies may need to make significant changes to their IT environment to work with a managed IT service provider.

Several factors determine the cost of managed IT services. The price will be determined by several factors, including the company’s size, the number of devices and servers, the amount of data, and the business’s evolving needs. One can better understand what to expect when shopping for a managed IT service provider, a great example of a reasonable one is MyTek, if they know the different pricing models and how they work.

Bogdan Radicanin
Bogdan Radicanin

My name is Bogdan Radicanin, but everyone calls me Boba. I also work as a full-time musician. I approach both jobs with a lot of passion, and I believe that's what makes me successful.
