How to Handle Bank Harassing Calls: A Legal Guide 2024

Customers are taking out loans for both their personal and professional endeavors due to the simplification of the loan approval procedure. On the other hand, it has been observed that a significant proportion of customers need help to repay their debt for various reasons. It is a significant problem. During the pandemic, when an economic downturn impacted companies, there was great difficulty in repaying the debt, resulting in various lawsuits and actions by the court. The epidemic has caused this crisis. 

The loan recovery agents have been accused of engaging in Comenity Bank Phone Harassment in some of the cases recorded to collect past-due payments. In most cases, when police measures were taken against agents, reports of cruel behavior focused on older adults, the impoverished, and other disadvantaged people.  


What Exactly Does “Bank Phone Harassment” Entail?

“bank phone harassment” refers to any undesirable or excessive phone calls made by banks or financial institutions to their consumers. These calls may come in a variety of forms. These calls are often conducted for debt collection, promoting financial goods and services, or doing market research. These calls may sometimes be so frequent and persistent that they cross the line into harassment in certain situations.

Customers may feel overburdened and annoyed due to these calls, especially if the calls come from a business with whom they have yet to interact. For instance, clients can get annoying calls from Comenity Bank, a corporation with whom they have never done business, which can be very unsettling.

Although some clients may disregard these calls altogether, they may disrupt their routines and become annoyed. However, it is essential to keep in mind that clients have legal rights that prevent them from being harassed by bank employees over the phone.

How Can You Safeguard Yourself?

You may take measures to protect yourself if you are being harassed over the phone by a financial institution. To get started, make sure you are documenting all of the phone calls from your bank or other financial institution. Consider the time, date, and nature of the call. If you decide to submit a complaint or pursue legal action, the information in this article may be helpful to you.

You may try to end the calls by requesting that the bank or other financial organization refrain from phoning you. Customers have the right, as guaranteed by the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), to opt out of receiving further calls from businesses. You may accomplish this goal by either verbally stating to the person phoning you that you do not desire to receive any more calls or by sending a letter to the bank asking that they refrain from calling you in the future.

If the calls continue, consider submitting a complaint to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is a federal organization established to shield customers from unethical and predatory business dealings in the financial sector. They are vested with the jurisdiction to conduct investigations in response to complaints and to take legal action against businesses that break the law.


Are There Deadlines That You Need To Meet Before You Can Take Legal Action?

If you have been the victim of theft or fraud, you may be able to recover the money that was taken from you by taking legal action. When contemplating initiating legal action, the following are some considerations to bear in mind:

You have limited time to bring a lawsuit before the deadline. The statute of limitations varies from state to state, but generally, it is about three years after the alleged offense was committed.

You may need to submit proof that the person who stole your money did take it. You may be able to support your case by using a security video or other documentation.

If you file a lawsuit for damages, you will certainly be required to provide evidence that the other person’s acts were the direct cause of the loss. It indicates that you will be required to provide evidence that the individual who stole your money was liable for the consequences that followed as a direct result of the theft.


How Exactly Does The Procedure Take Place, And How Much Will It Cost?

If you have paid money to an Indian bank, but it has not been received, there are two methods to obtain your money back from the bank: the first is to file a lawsuit against the bank in court, and the second is to go via the bank’s informal settlement procedure.

Going through the courts to file a lawsuit will almost certainly cost you more money than going through the informal dispute settlement process, but it will also ensure that you get your money back. Using the informal resolution method will cost you less, but it might take longer to receive your money back.

It would be best if you contacted the bank directly to begin the informal dispute settlement process. You will be required to supply information on your case, including the date that you paid the money, the name of the person to whom you sent the money, and a copy of the receipt you received for the transaction

After that, the bank will evaluate your situation and choose whether or not to take it further. If they want to take the matter further, you will be served with a notice requesting money and documentation to back up your claim. If you ignore the notification to pay the debt or produce proof to back up your claim, the bank may take legal action against you at some point in the future.

Closing Remarks

In conclusion, bank phone harassment is a problem that exists today and affects many customers. Banks and financial institutions sometimes need to contact their clients for valid reasons. However, excessive unsolicited calls may lead to harassment, causing distress and worry for customers. Fortunately, laws exist to protect customers and prevent such behavior from financial organizations.

Kantar Anita
Kantar Anita

I am Anita Kantar, a seasoned content editor at As the content editor, I ensure that each piece of content aligns seamlessly with the company's overarching goals. Outside of my dynamic role at work, I am finding joy and fulfillment in a variety of activities that enrich my life and broaden my horizons. I enjoy immersing myself in literature and spending quality time with my loved ones. Also, with a passion for lifestyle, travel, and culinary arts, I bring you a unique blend of creativity and expertise to my work.
