We’ve all experienced dizziness at least once in our lives, but there are also those who feel this frequently, and being off-balance is something that happens every day. In most cases, the dizzy spell goes away pretty quickly, though, this is not always the case. Sometimes, the feeling can last for hours, and it can lead to fainting, or falling, which may lead to injuries. If you are one of the millions who live with this problem, you’ve come to the right place. Here, we are going to talk about the things you can try if you are feeling dizzy and off balance. Keep on reading if you want to know more about the things that cause this feeling, how you can deal with it, and the treatments that are available.
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1. Find a place to rest
Source: unsplash.com
Many people think that they should just walk vertigo off and that they should ignore this feeling. This is one of the worst things that you can do, and if you don’t have enough balance, you risk seriously hurting yourself. If you feel like you are getting light-headed, you need to find a place to rest right away.
The best thing you can do in this case is sitting or lying down, and see if you are feeling better in a few minutes. You should never get up right away and you should never move too fast. Getting up too fast can lead to the feeling worsening, and you may lose consciousness.
2. Drink water
Source: unsplash.com
Water is essential if you want to feel better, no matter the reason why you are suffering from dizziness. Being well-hydrated can help you feel better, it will put your blood pressure to normal, and it will ease the symptoms. Note that depending on the cause of your condition, you may be recommended other types of treatment, but no matter, if it is an inner ear problem, or something else, staying hydrated, will help out a lot.
If you are not used to drinking enough water, start slowly, and remember that you should also have a lot of tea or other beverages that don’t have sweeteners in them. Try to track your intake with an app, and know that once you start feeling hydrated enough, chances are, the symptoms will not be as bad.
3. When needed, use a cane or a walking stick
Source: vertigodetective.com
This is something that you should consider if you’ve been suffering from chronic vertigo or if you are feeling off-balance all the time. You may need support when you are outside, and you cannot rely on your friends or family members at all times.
You can get a walking stick that will help you, especially if you are climbing the stairs, hiking, or if you have to be physically active for longer periods of time. Note that there are a lot of different types of canes that you can neatly pack and carry with you, and they will give you the support you need so you don’t end up falling if you start feeling off-balance.
4. Find what’s triggering this
You cannot look for a solution if you don’t know what the problem is, so if you’ve had this feeling more than two times in one week, you need to go get checked and find out the source of the issue. There are many things and tests that can be done, and you can talk to your GP about why you are experiencing this.
Note that once you find why this is happening, you can work with your doctor on finding the best way forward, and talk about possible treatments and therapies. The course of action depends on the diagnosis, and you should know that no matter what the trigger is, there are a lot of things you can do to feel better.
According to The ENT Clinic specialist Dr. Jeeve and his colleagues Dr. Annabelle and Dr. Hobbs in Singapore from entclinic.sg, the dizziness and balance problem has various treatment modalities including medical, surgical, and vestibular rehabilitation to improve overall balance function.
5. Talk to a professional
Source: evidentlycochrane.net
As we mentioned before, you need to get checked on why this is happening to you, and once you have the proper diagnosis, your GP will help you with the treatment.
If you are still waiting for your appointment, or if the results are not there yet, you can talk to a specialist on what you should do and how you should protect yourself until the meds start working.
They will help you out with your routine, and they will give you specialized advice depending on what you are feeling, how often do these episodes happen, and your day-to-day responsibilities.
6. Change your diet
Source: unsplash.com
Know that your diet can be a cause of the dizzy spells, and it can also affect you no matter if there is an underlying issue, or if you just get vertigo from time to time. As we previously mentioned, balance is most commonly affected by issues with your ear, and disorders of your inner ear, along with infections can be the reason why you are feeling this way. Talking to a professional will help with the treatment, but your diet and the things you have every day will make a difference.
Experts suggest that you should steer away from things that could raise your blood pressure including alcohol, cigarettes, and caffeine, and you should also keep track of your meals. Try to have at least three smaller meals per day, and steer away from fatty foods.
These are some of the things you can try if you are constantly feeling off-balance. Note that talking to an expert is a must, especially if you are having this feeling frequently. The sooner you find what causes them, the easier it will be for you to get the right treatment. Get enough rest, sleep at least 7 hours every night, try to implement healthier habits in your life, and never try to just walk the dizziness off. Try to limit stress, as no matter what your condition is, the stress you are feeling will make the symptoms worse. Do things that relax you, and remember that proper diagnosis is the key to the right treatment.