A Digital Guidebook is Important, Provide Your Guests with One

Technology is changing quickly and if you are a property owner of a short-term rental, you want to be able to offer the latest that technology has to offer to your guests. Being totally offline was once a quaint feature of a bed and breakfast or Airbnb, but travelers today want to be able to integrate their electronic devices into their vacation rentals to enhance their vacation. When a rental does not offer any digital amenities, it puts them at a disadvantage in the market and it could mean the difference between a guest renting from them or the competitor across the street. Digital guidebooks are one way that modern short-term rentals are making the vacation experience a streamlined and personal experience with access to the data that is most important to the guest.

What is a digital guidebook?

Source: unsplash.com

A digital guidebook is an electronic resource your guests can refer to when looking for information about the property, procedures for check-in and check-out, and other important information like what is in their area and directions to attractions. The guidebooks are easy to update digitally and can be customized to the guests using them so they get the most out of the experience. An example would be if your guest has brought their pet with them and wants to know about leash-free parks, grooming facilities and pet stores, the digital guidebook will have that information at the touch of a button.

Benefits of a digital guidebook

Short term rentals digital guidebooks like the ones offered by DACK give property managers the ability to give guests pertinent information on everything to do with the property right from their cell phones. The digital guide can send the details of reservations, and the key codes to get into the property. This digital guidebook provides a guide that is intuitive and accessible from any device. There are no outdated magazines or binders to replace, and this guide can be enhanced with videos, images and instructions that your guest can access on their phone.

Other benefits of digital guidebooks

Source: unsplash.com


Guests who use their smartphones to book a short-term rental are probably most comfortable dealing with that device and don’t want to access another one. The great thing about digital guidebooks is they can be seen on the guest’s phone in a format that is comfortable and familiar to them in a way that is intuitive. If your guest wants directions to a local restaurant then they can get that information on their phones and see it in a way that is recognizable to them. This makes vacationing in an unfamiliar place friendlier and more comfortable.

Excellent communication

Your digital guidebook is a way for your guests to feel appreciated and know that they can access the information they need whenever they need it. From instructions on using the coffee maker to where the best nightclub is, the guidebook is your representative on their phones and they will judge the customer service based on how convenient your representative is to access.

Simple from start to finish

How often does vacation go sideways from poor communication, bad planning, unexpected delays and other unforeseen circumstances that couldn’t be helped? Even an uncharged cell phone can still throw everything into chaos. A digital guidebook can reduce these occurrences by removing some of the stress from things like check-in and check-out, updates or communications from the rental that can be seen in real-time by the guest. Digital guidebooks also reduce the confusion around where to go, who to see, and what time everything needs to happen by putting the control back in the guest’s hands.

Easy to create

As a property manager, you want your guidebook to reflect all of the positive features of your property, as well as answer questions that many continuously come up over and over again. The guidebook can be created with software provided and can contain as much or as little info as you want. The great thing about going digital is that the medium can be updated at any time from anywhere and there is no printing or copying involved. You can also add your logo or brand to advertise your property and create a specialized page for different guests so they feel at home.

Useful information for your digital guidebook

Source: goguidebook.com

  • Arrival information – Timetables, directions to the property, places to pick up groceries or snacks, and any special access codes the guests will be needing.
  • Departure information – Check out details and directions.
  • Housekeeping manual – Includes details on accessing wifi, how to use smart appliances, and how-to manuals for things like the barbecue, fireplace or pool. Important numbers and house rules like noise levels are all useful information for the guidebook.
  • Things to do – The guidebook can give guests a good idea of activities they may want to try that are close by or give them directions on how to get there. There should also be links to car services or bus timetables for alternate transportation.
  • Places to go – Restaurants, theaters, parks, and tours are just some of the types of places you can find in a good guidebook.
  • Seasonal suggestions – It is not very useful if the guidebook has a dozen good ski hills to visit when it is in the middle of the summer, so make sure the guidebook is up to date on the season and make it easy to find this information for your guests. You may also want to mention the other seasonal activities to see if you can get a repeat guest for another vacation.

When you manage a short-term rental property and want to place yourself above the competition, try putting together a simple digital guidebook to make your guest’s stay more convenient and fun. A digital guidebook is easily accessed on your guests’ device of choice and shows them that you are a modern property manager who can look after their needs effectively. With intuitive software and easily accessible information, your guests will leave a 5-star rating after every visit.

Radulovic Jovica
Radulovic Jovica

I started my career at websta.me following the completion of my studies in Agricultural Economics at the University of Belgrade. My fascination with this field arose from recognizing the pivotal role marketing plays in companies' business strategies.
